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  1. TheBeesKnees

    Mantis doodles

    Not a photo, but I've been designing fictional mantids based on real mantids. I had a lot of fun with these ones, and I'll probably do more :> You guys like mantids, so I figured I'd share them here Maybe you can guess which species they're based on!
  2. TheBeesKnees

    deformed mantid nymphs doing well

    oh man, that second one looks pretty brutal. Did you find these guys in the wild like this? I wonder what happened to poor bendy thorax during its last molt. I agree with Domanating, I have no idea how it'd be able to get out of its shed. But crazier things have happened, so you never know. I...
  3. TheBeesKnees

    Assassino!! (ID, anyone?)

    I came across a rather large female this afternoon! Her body, not including legs and antennae, was about 1.5". She's a southeast asian species (found in thailand). Does anyone recognize her? I thought she was very pretty :>
  4. TheBeesKnees

    Natural mantid hybrids?

    From what I've heard, you can get some inter-genus mating both in captivity and in the wild, but nothing comes of it. Consequent ootheca are sterile. I assume the genetic make-up between different genera is just too critically different to produce offspring. Between species of the same genus...
  5. TheBeesKnees

    Odontomantis housing?

    Well, I've recently come across an enormous wealth of asian ant mantis (Odontomantis sp.) on the hedges lining the parking lot of a golf course that my in-laws own! I've been spending several afternoons observing them this week, and decided to take home two subadults. They're an aggressive...
  6. TheBeesKnees


    haha it's true, Thai establishments will sell you anything, even if it's not what they're actually selling (I once ordered a drink with a meal from a place--they didn't have the specific drink I asked for but told me to hang on a second. Someone ran down the street, bought it from another store...
  7. TheBeesKnees

    Who lays an ooth on the window, really?

    Oh, god. You made me spit take lmaaaoooooo
  8. TheBeesKnees


    JFC I didn't even know whe HAD a bug museum in Thailand >8| Looks like I'll be making a road trip up north once I return from canada. I wonder if they'll sell me a giant dead leaf nymph or two (I see them there, on your hands)! Exciting photos, too! That little green guy on the wall is a...
  9. TheBeesKnees

    Haania sp. (Moss Mantis)

    oooh I get so excited every time I see that you've updated this thread! Congrats on the adult female, she's simply a stunning little beastie!
  10. TheBeesKnees

    Riem's Photo Booth!

    Thanks, guys! @Digger: I'm quite positive she is a Statilia nemoralis :]!
  11. TheBeesKnees

    Riem's Photo Booth!

    hehe thanks, bro! She's doing extremely well! The foot doesn't even phase her. She's been my office mate for the past while, with her terrarium perched on my computer desk :D She stares at me and makes sure I get work done remember to feed her.
  12. TheBeesKnees

    Who lays an ooth on the window, really?

    ooOOOH I think it's an ant mantis ooth! Ant mantis ant mantis ant mantis!! How wonderfully exciting! I haven't come across this species, yet! I would take it home to hatch it, but I'm leaving for two months on July 3rd! Drat, what timing :I
  13. TheBeesKnees

    Who lays an ooth on the window, really?

    So someone decided a window of my mother-in-law's house would be a perfect place to raise offspring. What I want to know is, which species is responsible for this? It's quite small, but not nearly small enough to be from a species as tiny as the Amantis sp. I've been seeing around these...
  14. TheBeesKnees

    Penh's Photo Booth!

    Penh and I took some selfies a few days ago. And then she wanted to try snapping one...
  15. TheBeesKnees


    I just spent the last day and a half reading through all of this, and it's gonna take me a few more days to pick my jaw up off the floor! You've got a really swanky operation going on here, and I am mega jealous!! You take so much care in everything, too, the sight of your bugtorium brings a...
  16. TheBeesKnees

    The Toughmantis Poll - Hercules of Mantis

    cheerist! Shoulda read the comments before voting! I voted wrong.
  17. TheBeesKnees


    hehe tell me about it! Before I moved here, I lived in canada, where the only mantis I ever once chanced upon was a fat M. religiosa on Manitoulin Island (And I'm still convinced she was an escaped pet). And now I'm driving my fiance crazy because I keep bringing home more mantids than we have...
  18. TheBeesKnees


    I disappeared into the jungle again, and found this lass! I'll try getting better photos of her tomorrow when there is daylight, but I am a little excited to have found her! A few months ago, I was first acquainted with this species for a fleeting moment when an adult landed on me. At the...
  19. TheBeesKnees

    More ID help!

    Falconerguy: the only thing she was told by the seller was that this one probably would end up being "a bit smaller" Smaller than what, we're not sure exactly. He could have been insinuating that it's a smaller species for the genus, in which I'd wager more on your previous ID. Apparently the...
  20. TheBeesKnees

    Penh's Photo Booth!

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