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  1. V

    Halloween or Moon Crabs

    Does anyone have experience  with these? I bought two today. I have read accounts before this. They easy to deal with. I was wondering will they eat other fruit from tropical ie.:coconut papiya, and mango. I have strawberries and bananas in the house.
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    Female Ghost Mantis molting question

    Last night my largest ghost molted and doubled in size. She was hanging in place without enough space. She has 10 degree plus bend in the upper stick of her back And bend her head spike. I am right that finally molt has wings? I am wondering if she has a chance to correct.  I have no picture or...
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    E. anthonyi "Santa Isabel" Poison Dart Frog

    I buy seven tadpoles about a month ago. Today I was surprised to find that they had morphed into froglets in the last two days since I checked on them. They will be bright red with green pinstripes. Right now reddish brown with green stripes. I am psyched!
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    Daphnia + Bean Beetles

    Daphnia are a fresh water crustacean that reproduces very rapidly. They are a great food for fish, crayfish, and amphibians. The easiest food is greenwater. I use dirty aquarium water to grow green water. Green water $3 for 2 L bottle. 2 l daphnia $5 Shipping for up to 3 2 l bottles is $15 If...
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    Feeder Bean Beetles anyone use?

    I have some bean beetle cultures I bought for frogs., Will any of the mantis like them? I didn't see any mention of these.
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    Wanted group Carolina Mantis

    I am looking for a group of Carolina Mantis nymphs. I understand that they are easy and prolifrigate to breed. I am locates in Morrison IL
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    Spanish Ribbed Newt efts for sale or trade

    Spanish Ribbed Newt efts  Pleurodeles waltl available. Yes, there ancestors are from Europe. They are 2"- 4" freshly morphed about 3 months old. They are 2 color forms. Wild type which are brown with darker spots and dark pale skinned called leucistic. I am offering het for leucistic. This means...
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    Ghost Mantis questions

    I am a newbie. I apologize if they is old info. I want to start a breeding group. What age or sizer can you determine sex? L3 or more I thought green means female. The head is symmetrical and wider. Males have head tip twisted to one side and narrower than a female. The color is tan or brown...
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    Axolotl eggs

    I spawned a pair of axolotls on February 14. Lol They produced hundreds of eggs. They were 25% albinos in the larvae. My brother took the photo. I still have lots of juveniles that am selling locally.
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    Set-up Ghost Mantis Community Tank

    I want to use a ten gallon tank with coconut fiber substrate. I would like a clean up crew of isopods. I have Dalmation, dwarf white, and P. pruinosus 'White Out'. I assume the springtail would need too high of humidity. I have oak leaves or maples in the yard. What flaws are in the idea? Is...
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    Mourning Geckos How Many Each Day?

    Anyone with experience? I am curious. How many fruit flies melanogast or hydei per gecko per day. I am trying to plan my production needs.  I want plenty of food. They are another self-cloner or parthenogenic species. I would to have somr babies this year.
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    Cyrstal Red Shrimp (10) PRL

    Crystal Red Shrimp Caridina cantonensis Pure Red Line They do not throw Crystal White which are sometimes used to increase the white area of the shrimp. This for 10 one quarter to half inch shrimp. Smaller shrimp adapt better to new conditions They usually have three red stripes. I keep in...
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    Brunneria borealis Stick Mantis wanted FOUND

    Does anyone have some? I understand they are parthenogenic.  I am located in Morrison, IL FOUND
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    Are there any Shrimp keepers?

    I have some Bloody Mary cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi, Amano Shrimp Caridina multidentata ( zoe near full salt water to grow up working on it) and Crystal Red Shrimp Caridina cantonensis near special water and substrate. The latter are beatiful white a red like candy canes. They easy to raise...
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    Sex ratios of Raising Nymphs

    I am wondering if there is a norm to future adults mantis. Many livebearers have a definite skew of sex ratio caused by temperature. Generally warmer more females and conversely cooler more males.  I am especially interested In Malaysian Orchid Mantis. If I raise ten raise, how many boys and...
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    I live in Northwest Illinois on a farm. I have been interested in these for Years. I needed to get fruit flies for frogs and realized that I could keep other things. I went a little crazy so have a young group of Ghost Mantis, Malaysian Orchids Mantis, and few other. I have only seen a few molts...