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  1. Kungfumantis

    Wanted ISO presub or sub adult male orchids

    (I have a newly molted adult female and two sub-adult females)
  2. Kungfumantis

    Wanted ISO Male Phyllocrania paradoxa (Ghost) Adult or SubAdult

    I have an adult female and two subadult females. Would like at least one male so I can breed them. Furthermore, I also could use pre sub male orchids. Thank you.(Located in US)
  3. Kungfumantis

    humidity recommendations for empusa pennata?

    Maybe temp rec as well? Thanks
  4. Kungfumantis

    Dark mode?

    Would anyone else want a dark mode option in mantid forum?
  5. Kungfumantis

    Keeping mantids at high elevations?

    I would like to go on a road trip for less than a week but I would have to bring my collection with me. If temp & humidity are optimal, could the high elevation (lower oxygen/air pressure) kill my mantises? 5,000-10,000ft for 5 days
  6. Kungfumantis

    Highly recommend this youtube video I stumbled upon!

    5 Mantis Species, 1 Location This guy finds 5 mantis species in Southern France: Ameles decolor, Empusa pennata, Geomantis larvoides, Iris oratoria, and Mantis religiosa.
  7. Kungfumantis

    Wanted empusa pennata, Sinomantis denticulata, hymenopus coronatus

    Please let me know if you have any for sale!(any instar)
  8. Kungfumantis

    I currently own orchids, a spiny flower, a ghost, a Vader, a Yunnan Flower, and a Carolina mantis

    Would love to add empusa pennata and Sinomantis denticulata to my collection eventually!
  9. Kungfumantis

    Scammed by Vitalwings for $175

    Do not trust Vitalwings. Said they would ship one day UPS air then disappeared. Also, as obvious as this seems…never trust anyone on here who is not reputable.
  10. Kungfumantis

    What instar/age difference for breeding orchid mantises?

    Ideally would i2-3 male and i4-5 female be within the right instar apart? Would an i4-5 male and an i6 female? Thank you kindly
  11. Kungfumantis

    Where to get clear 32 oz deli cups with regular lids (not vented)?

    I just tried some from Amazon but they are pretty noisy to open/close and I don’t want to do that to my mantises.
  12. Kungfumantis

    Is a 12x12x18 enclosure too large for a 2-3inch long mantis?

    I am worried that an enclosure of this size may present difficulties for the mantis to find food. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. Kungfumantis

    Wanted Anyone currently selling Orchid Mantis i2-3 or Ooths?

    Either currently or in the next month or so. I'm looking for at least 5 i2-3 or some ooths. Thank you. (Located in U.S.)