I have an adult female and two subadult females. Would like at least one male so I can breed them. Furthermore, I also could use pre sub male orchids. Thank you.(Located in US)
I would like to go on a road trip for less than a week but I would have to bring my collection with me. If temp & humidity are optimal, could the high elevation (lower oxygen/air pressure) kill my mantises? 5,000-10,000ft for 5 days
5 Mantis Species, 1 Location
This guy finds 5 mantis species in Southern France: Ameles decolor, Empusa pennata, Geomantis larvoides, Iris oratoria, and Mantis religiosa.
Do not trust Vitalwings. Said they would ship one day UPS air then disappeared. Also, as obvious as this seems…never trust anyone on here who is not reputable.