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  1. S

    Wanted: Dead Mantids

    Hi Everyone I am searching for some dead mantids, particularly orchids, in good condition. Any flower mantids would be ideal, however, any adults of a species would do. US only please. Thank You In Advance
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    Wanted: dead insects for collection

    Hi I wanted to know if anyone would happen to have some dead insects that I could use in a collection. US only. Preferably insects from Maryland, Delaware, Virginia. Would like: lice, termites, dobsonflies, antlions, mantisfles, luna moths, scorpionflies, roaches, phasmids (any other insects...
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    First Tarantula!!!

    I finally decided to get a curlyhair tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum). The spider is still quite young. It seems to be quite active. It even ate two crickets. I'll try to post a pic sometime soon.
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    tips to lower humidity

    Hi I wanted to know if anyone had any good tips on lowering the humidity. I know you can have a smaller water dish and not spray as often, but what are some other ways. Thank You
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    cordless rock heater

    Hi I was wondering if any place sells a cordless/battery operated rock heater for reptiles. If they do, what brand would be best. Thank You
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    sandfish skinks

    Hi Does anyone have any experience keeping a sandfish skink? Also, what would be a good size tank to keep them in and how deep should the substrate be? Thank You
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    White's Tree Frog/Dumpy Frog

    Hi I wanted to know if anyone had any information on keeping this species. Thank You
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    summer work

    Hi I recently received word that I was one of the chosen people to work at the National Aquarium in Baltimore :D . Wish me luck!
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    Pale Lizard

    Hi During the day, my Gargoyle Gecko looks quite pale. However, at night he has a darker complexion. Is this normal? Thank You
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    Emporer Scorpion Died

    Hi My Emporer Scorpion just died this week :( . I do not know how this happened. He ate and drank water regularly. My only guess would be from age. I was told he was adult when I bought him and he was in the store for some time. Right now I am getting something called Caroplastic Plastomounts...
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    Gargoyle Gecko

    Hi Just curious, are these a good beginner lizard? There is one at my local Petsmart that has been there for a few months. I was thinking about buying it sometime. The people working there said that they eat a lot of fruit and require somewhat low heat and no basking light. Is this reliable...
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    scorpion not eating by itself

    Hi I've had an emporer scorpion for a little over a month. It will not eat without my help. If a cricket comes near it, it will either run away or occasionally swat it away. I keep the heat around 90F with a black light. Does anyone know what the problem could be. I would also like to know what...
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    beginner tarantula

    Hi I was interested in raising a tarantula for the first time. What would be a good, relatively large, beginner species? I cannot have any that require a heat pad or lamp. Thank You
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    alternate heating

    Hi Does anyone have any methods for heatin an enclosure without lamps/pads? Thank You
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    P. imperator

    Hi I finally have an Emperor Scorpion :D ! I was told that it was an adult. Is there any way to be sure of this? I also wanted to know how to tell the difference between a male and female. Also, I placed a cricket in the tank with it and it just let the cricket crawl right over it. Could this...
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    Emperor Scorpions

    I am interested in raising a P. imperator (Emperor Scorpion). Does anyone have any advice? Also, what would be an ideal temperature? Are there any specific ways you should handle them? Is there a type of heat mat that does not need to be plugged in? This would be my first arachnid. Thanks
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    Idolomantis Diabolica Questions

    Hi I am about to buy an I. diabolica hatchling. I just wanted to know if I needed a heat mat and what temperature/humidity I should keep it at. Also, about how big do they get, and, can males fly? Thanks
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    Hi I was thinking about keeping a small octopus. Has anyone had any experience with these creatures? I have heard that they are very hard to keep. If so, what species would be the best for a beginner? Thank You
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    cricket trap

    I was wondering if anyone has an idea for a simple cricket trap, preferably involving the use of a jar? Thank You
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    overdue S.lineola?

    Hi My female S.lineola become an adult three weeks ago. Since then, she has not layed an ooth. I feed her two large (1") crickets every other day. I have heard that females can die if they hold it in to long. Does anyone have advice on what I should do?