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  1. S

    A little help please...

    ...I have seen some orchid mantis for sale and I would like to buy one, but I have read that they wont eat crickets, is this true because I can only find one care sheet, I understand they need a high humidity and temp which is fine im just a bit worried about the feeding any tips would be much...
  2. S

    What species of mantis is this??

    I know very little about mantids but is she an african mantis?
  3. S

    quick question

    tonight I noticed my african mantis has laid an ooth it is stuck onto a branch in her tank but she hasnt been mated so it cant be fertile, just wondering if all adult females do this regardless of whether they have mated or not??
  4. S

    Hello people....

    ..........thought id join up Becky linked me to the site, im 20 and from Somerset, at the moment I have mostly tarantulas but hoping to get a few more mantids in the future T.Blondi B.Vagans B.Smithi A.Avic G.Rosea A.Seemani H.Maculata L.Parahybana P.Regalis x2 B.Albopilosa H.Lividum...