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  1. L

    Some psuedocreobotra ocellata left, sold out of Idolomantis

    SORRY folks, I just can't reply to all the pms about the Idolomantis Diabolica but I do have the following left; I have over 75 L1-L2 psuedocreobotra ocellata (Similiar to the #9) for sale. $5 per mantid or $18 for 4 I also have over 50 L1-L2 pseudoharpax virescen (Gambian Spotted Eye) $5...
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    Be fast, this one will go fast. Idolomantis Diabolica

    I have 1 (one) Idolomantis Diabolica ooth guaranteed fertile for sale I also have 18 Idolomantis Diabolica L1-L3 for sale Act fast friends this is one of the most sought after species
  3. L

    psuedocreobotra ocellata and other species for sale

    I have over 75 L1-L2 psuedocreobotra ocellata (Similiar to the #9) for sale. $5 per mantid or $18 for 4 I also have over 50 L1-L2 pseudoharpax virescen (Gambian Spotted Eye) $5 for 2 Mantids or $9 for 4 Each order will come with a heavy duty 32oz Deli Cup with vented lid, Substrate, twigs...
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    Recieved 2 Gambian Ooths for the price of one. What a surprise. The ooths came very well packaged and arrived EARLY. Yen is a fellow Texan and he's incredibly fast on replying to PMs. POSITIVE!! will most definately do more business with Yen.
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    WTB ORHIC OOTH have wanted one for a very long time.
  6. L

    WTB Orchid ooth, Something unique huh lol

    I have wanted and orchid ooth for a long long long time and have yet to get my hands on one. I would pay well if anyone has one they are willing to part with. Many thanks
  7. L

    WTS Giant Asian 4th-5th Instar Male and Female

    WTS Giant Asian 4th-5th Instar Male and Female Heavy Duty 32 oz enclosure included. Shipped overnight only to ensure alive delivery. Not asking much but to cover cost. PM me if interested. I have about 30.
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    Nick Barta - (US)

    I talked with Nick today. I apologized to him and I want to make it publicly known that I DID indeed get a bit antzy and I did over-react with a lot of my dealings with him. He's only human, as am I am we all make mistakes, I just didn't give him time to fix the situation which was indeed OUT of...
  9. L

    Y9(Loic) NEGATIVE!!!!

    he tried to sell me a dead leaf ooth for $250
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    WTB Ooths of any kind

    EXCEPT Chinese, I am interested in ANY other kind though, and if you DO PM me then give me a price as well. Thanks
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    WTB Orchid Ooth

    WTB Orchid Ooth titale says it all. For a reasonable price of course, might be willing to trade some L3-L5 Giant Asians.
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    I am thouroughly impressed with yens positive feedback so much I think I will buy somehting from him :D
  13. L

    D. Hydei quick help

    that's the thing, I did buy some from Nick but he is fresh out atm, and so is petco near me. Petsmart in Dallas do not sell them according to the 5 stores nearest me I have visited :( I bought some last night from Joshs Frog website, We'll see how things work out becase these guys are molting...
  14. L

    D. Hydei quick help

    Guys bail me out on this one please. I need D. Hydei Flightless Fruit Flies pronto. I have used the search feeature and google and have found HUNDREDS of places to buy them, after finding many with gouged shipping cost and others out of stock, can someone point me to the light :P At this...
  15. L

    Good price for a double sized D. labata ooth. ?

    He was upset that I posted his email to me on this thread, I apologized but I was just trying to get some insight, I do not think I will be doing business with the individual because of the comments I have seen on the matter so far. Apparently I am right in saying that I cannot justify that kind...
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    Good price for a double sized D. labata ooth. ?

    well I won't get the ooth he pulled out and wants $100 so I'm not even close to wanting to justify that :( I'd be willing to pay $50 but I can't justify anything else regardless the species. Maybe I will learn in time to understand/appreciate them more to be willing to do that but not now :(
  17. L

    Good price for a double sized D. labata ooth. ?

    I have no way of gauging the value of this ooth. I have searched for that answer but to no avail. I am just passing up the deal. I'm sure he's a quality guy but I'm not ready to pay that much $$ with no guarantees. Back to searching for unique species I guess.
  18. L

    Good price for a double sized D. labata ooth. ?

    here's the most recent email he has sent me: Starting to wonder if this guy is legit or not.
  19. L

    Good price for a double sized D. labata ooth. ?

    I am being offered what I think is a pretty good deal of $45 for a x2 sized D. labata ooth. or dead leaf mantis Should I go for it? That's $40 for the ooth and $5 for shipping, and since I haven't got a clue could someone tell me if that's a good price? Thank you