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  1. T

    ISO African Twig Mantis, also Indian Stick or Cat Eye Mantids

    Preferably around L2,  but open to L4.
  2. T

    Can someone help me understand why my Peruvian Leaf Mantis died?

    Rosie died this morning, and I was taken aback. I woke to her on the ground, barely moving, with her kind legs immobile. The day prior she was very still on a low branch (that worried me) like she was going to molt (she didn't), and the day prior to that she was very spritely and eating...
  3. T

    Coming on 2 weeks, and Blue Bottle Flies still haven't hatched?

    Haha. Yeah I just ended up dumping the entire jar. I think I've been raising dead insects for 2 weeks, which explains why it smelled so horrible. I certainly learned a lot about Blue Bottle Flies this week. I have some pupae on the way this week. Something that's going to arrive a bit more...
  4. T

    Coming on 2 weeks, and Blue Bottle Flies still haven't hatched?

    Oh no! Yeah, I kept them misted, and thought I did everything correctly. Honestly, they really look exactly the same as when they arrived. I didn't even know the spikes were supposed to move lol. I thought they were already going into a pupae form or something.  It would almost be funny if it...
  5. T

    Coming on 2 weeks, and Blue Bottle Flies still haven't hatched?

    As promised, here is a pic of them. I suppose they could just take a super long time to hatch. I guess time will tell! In the meantime I should really order actual pupae. I made the mistake of ordering spikes when I needed food faster.
  6. T

    Coming on 2 weeks, and Blue Bottle Flies still haven't hatched?

    Hmm alright, after seeing your photos, I'm convinced my spikes were DOA. What I have are lifeless larvae and a few pitch black looking pupae. Definitely no movement, nothing close to resembling the color above. I might have to order a new batch, and hope the best for the old one. I'll try and...
  7. T

    Coming on 2 weeks, and Blue Bottle Flies still haven't hatched?

    As the title states: I ordered 200 spikes about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't had a single fly hatch. At least half of them have been kept to room temperature, while the other half were added about 6 days ago. I started with keeping some in the enclosure, changed my mind to adding some to a jar...
  8. T

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    Got it! So what I've done is take a pickle jar that I've modified with a burlap top. I have a small cup at the bottom with 2 paper towels soaked in honey/sugar water inside.... and then I have about 1/3 of my batch spread out on the bottom with some of the substrate mixed in. I'm currently just...
  9. T

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    Ah alright. I suppose I should just hatch them all as my first experience with them. Just to be sure! I can easily replicate your setup I think.
  10. T

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    I'd really like to set up a system where I'm consistently adding more spikes to her enclosure, maybe staggering the days, so she has a consistent food supply hatching at different rates. Right now I have about 10 in a little feeder cup (attached by suction) that I suppose should hatch in a day...
  11. T

    Is a 32 oz enclosure big enough for a single Orchid subadult female?

    I wanted to upgrade her to something super cool that I found, but the only thing holding me back is the size. Would she be alright in this? It's a pretty cool setup, but I don't want her feeling cramped! I have her in something larger right now, just far less elaborate inside.
  12. T

    Does my Ghost hate me?

    It's totally fine if he does. I'm just trying to figure out the signs of stress in a mantis. I've had mine for a few weeks, and about a week ago, there was a little accident. Basically, sometimes i have to interact with him while misting due to having a mason jar/burlap setup, and he likes to...
  13. T

    ISO L2/L3 Orchid or Peruvian Leaf Mantis

    Looking for either species. Both are bucket list. Male or female. Savannah GA based. US.
  14. T

    Just saying hi!

    Yes! Actually, I've just decided today to go for a Ghost instead. I figure it will make my first experience smoother. Plus, I heard that Orchids have shorter life spans, and I'd love a first animal that may live a little bit longer (though I know most mantids don't live super long).
  15. T

    Wanted: Ghost Mantis. Male or female.

    Savannah GA, US based.
  16. T

    Just saying hi!

    Greetings! I'm currently in the process of prepping for my first mantid, which I'd like to be an Orchid. I have a nice glass terrarium setup that I modified to keep mantids. It should keep in humidity well. For a substrate I have moss, cocobark... not tons because I don't want to complicate...