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  1. spawn

    ISO: Blatta orientalis

    Seeking the oriental roach, Blatta orientalis. Please PM me.
  2. spawn

    ISO: Blatta orientalis

    Do you have Blatta orientalis? Please PM me.
  3. spawn

    ISO: Ground Skinks

    I'm looking for brown skinks, or ground skinks (Scincella lateralis). They are native to the south US, in leaf litter. Please PM me.
  4. spawn

    Wanted: Katydids

    Looking for katydids.  Please PM me. 
  5. spawn

    Wanted: powder blues & Spanish orange ISOPODS

    Looking for starter cultures of powder blue and Spanish orange isopods.  Please PM me. 
  6. spawn

    Cool mantidfly video

    *note: not my video -> see FB link
  7. spawn

    Wanted: Giant Lobster Roaches

    Seeking H. flexivitta cockroaches.  Please PM me.
  8. spawn

    WANTED: Flat Horns, Giant Lobsters, Wood Roaches

    I'm looking for Aeluropoda insignis, Henschoutedenia flexivitta, and Parcoblatta fulvescens.Please PM me. 
  9. spawn

    Anyone culturing grasshoppers or katydids?

    Is anyone culturing locusts, grasshoppers, or katydids? I remember someone posting a few months ago cave crickets or something gnarly like that. I'm curious about these and techniques for rearing.
  10. spawn

    Wanted: Ground Skinks & Flat Horn Hissers

    I'm looking for ground skinks (Scincella lateralis). They're common in the south in leaf litter and under rocks. I'm also looking for A. insignis roaches too.
  11. spawn

    WTB: Lobster and Red Runner roaches

    Looking for 500-1000 roaches of both lobsters and lateralis. Please PM me.
  12. spawn

    Wanted: Lobster Roaches

    I'm looking for bulk Lobster Roaches. Looking for several hundred to a thousand adults. Please PM me with quote.
  13. spawn

    Wanted: Danuria mantids

    I'm looking for Danuria mantids. Please PM me.
  14. spawn

    Ant feeders

    Looking for ant feeders. Anything but harvester ants/ants with stingers to feed my toads.
  15. spawn

    Ant feeders?

    I have some toads that eat mainly ants in the wild, but I cannot find any ant feeders for them. I found some websites selling western harvester ants intended for horned lizards (ironically called horny toads sometimes), but those have stingers, and I don't want to kill my toads. Does anyone...
  16. spawn

    Wanted: Danuria

    I'm looking for Danuria mantids. Photo credit: me Please PM me.
  17. spawn

    Wanted: Ground Skinks (Scincella lateralis)

    I'm looking for a group of small ground skinks. They're common in southern US, found in forest and damp/decaying areas. Beneath leaves and rocks. (not my picture: Credit to California Herps) Please PM me if you can collect some. I'm interested in 10-15.
  18. spawn

    Dimorphism in D. lobata

    Could someone do me a favor and post a picture of a male/female Deroplatys lobata side-by-side? I've been raising these two nymphs for months, and one's an adult already, and I need to know their sexes. It's my first time with them, and they're doing fine, but I can't even see the antenna so...
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    Anyone know of any vendors selling termites? I been out of the game for a while and I forgot all the good sellers :stuart:
  20. spawn

    Mantis vs Banded Argiope

    Been a while since I posted here. Was browsing the web and stumbled upon this page, and it reminded me of this board (I obviously did not take the pictures so don't credit me...): (source) We did it!! :lol: