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  1. MantisTrainer

    Odd behavior from L4 ghost nymph

    I've seen my mantises do that before. It looks like she is trying to readjust her grip on the glass. As also shown in the video you provided, mantises also tend to sway back and forth to gain a sense of depth perception. They lack movable pupils so they have to move around a bit in order to see...
  2. MantisTrainer

    Molting Complications

    He looks beautiful! I think the enclosure you have for him will do just fine as long as he doesn't fall down a lot. If you do observe him falling off of perches repeatedly like he's having trouble holding on, then I think it would be a good idea to move him to a smaller enclosure. I downsized my...
  3. MantisTrainer

    Molting Complications

    Mine came out with a slight bow to his back legs but not nearly as bad as how your poor little guy sounds. The best thing to do right now is probably to leave him be and let his exoskeleton harden, that will lower the risk of further injury. After a day or so I would suggest moving him to a...
  4. MantisTrainer

    Molting Complications

    I think that this is normal for male Chinese manties. It is probably there to help with mating. My Chinese mantis was able to live fine after his molt and he ate and behaved normally and lived for quite a long while which leads me to believe that this is a normal thing. Has he experienced any...
  5. MantisTrainer

    How Long Should I Wait?

    I've herd that dissecting an ootheca and looking at the condition on the eggs can help to identify what went wrong. However, I don't have dissecting tools with me, is there anything else I could use to open it up and see the eggs? I think I'll wait a few more weeks just in case but I would like...
  6. MantisTrainer

    New mantis!

    Congrats! I think that's a European Mantis, I've seen a lot of those before and they're pretty distinctive. they usually have a black spot on the inside of their forelegs, often times with a white spot in the middle. Hope she does well!
  7. MantisTrainer

    How Long Should I Wait?

    OK, Thanks. I worried that it wouldn't hatch because I saw a little bit of mold growth on the bottom of it while it was in the refrigerator. I didn't think it was enough to cause significant damage though, but I know mold is usually a bad sign for mantids.
  8. MantisTrainer

    How Long Should I Wait?

    Hi everyone, in October of last year I collected a wild Mantis religiosa ootheca and kept it in the refrigerator for a while. I put it in warmer conditions (about room temperature) on April 15, 2024. I've been waiting almost 3 months for it to hatch and I'm wondering if it won't. I know that...
  9. MantisTrainer

    Eye Discolouration/Issues & Causes

    Wow! I'm so glad your little mantis recovered so quickly! I didn't know their eyes could recover, mine never did. Although he was still able to eat.
  10. MantisTrainer

    Eye Discoloration

    yes, that definitely looks like what my Chinese mantis had.
  11. MantisTrainer

    Eye Discoloration

    For a time, I caught wild insects for mine to eat because I didn't know where to access flies. Although catching wild food can be time-consuming(especially without a net), and you have to be cautious with it. Insects can be toxic or dangerous to a mantis, I generally avoid spiders, butterflies...
  12. MantisTrainer

    Eye Discoloration

    I'm mostly new to the hobby too but I've had the exact same thing happen to one of my Chinese mantises before. I think this discoloration in the eye could be a result of feeding him fruit flies for too long. I think you should move him up to bigger food, such as houseflies. He may have to be...
  13. MantisTrainer

    Caring for an Old Mantis

    Hello again, I'm currently caring for an elderly Chinese Mantis. She's started to lose her grip even though she's only lost 1 tarsus, and she'll fall occasionally. Her claws will also frequently get stuck in the mesh. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable? She likes to hang on...
  14. MantisTrainer

    Well shoot….

    I'm really sad to hear that, hope the survivors are still OK.
  15. MantisTrainer

    Mantids and gardening

    Totally different question but still on the subject of mantises in gardens: I know Chinese mantises aren't necessarily great for gardens here since they are not native. I would guess that the same goes for European mantises(please correct me if I'm wrong!). I live in the Pacific Northwest and...
  16. MantisTrainer


    I've had them turn into moths before and I found that helpful. My mantises seemed to like them better when they moved around more. as for the cockroaches, even if any local pet stores sold them I would be unable to purchase any because the rest of my family does not tolerate them, unfortunately.
  17. MantisTrainer

    Ootheca Mold

    I will- might take a while since I just got it out but I will post any major updates.
  18. MantisTrainer

    Ootheca Mold

    Hi everyone, it's been quite a while since I've posted on this forum! So, I have this M. religiosa ootheca that I just took out of the fridge for incubation. Apparently it had acquired a little bit of mold along the bottom- around the area of attachment but I didn't find any near the emergence...
  19. MantisTrainer

    Isopod Beginner Questions

    Thank you so much for the advice! I will be sure to check these out!
  20. MantisTrainer

    Isopod Beginner Questions

    Wow! This is a lot of great feedback. I'll be sure to look into those websites, thank you!