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  1. P

    Looking for some sp. to start up again.

    Hi, I didnt kept mantids for quite a few years now but i am so bored at the moment i really want some prayers again!! i like the "normal" species like Hierodula membranacea and Sphodromantis. but i like the special species most ofcourse. like most people i love Hymenopus coronatus and...
  2. P

    Good herping day!

    i hope i finish my study real fast so i can try to get cites. in Holland you're lost with herpetology :P very nice pic's of very nice animals!!
  3. P

    macro pic's of my female coronatus!

    thanx all :D hmm it was actualy a joke :roll: i tought i put a wink next to it..
  4. P

    macro pic's of my female coronatus!

    don't know the word but it sounded like sissy :P :wink:
  5. P

    macro pic's of my female coronatus!

    do not disrespect my girl please .. :D thanx for the reactions :lol:
  6. P

    macro pic's of my female coronatus!

    hoi all, she is a bit grumpy but she is still a beauty! enjoy
  7. P

    my own breeded diadem snake

    thanx i hope that too! :lol:
  8. P

    my own breeded diadem snake

    oh yeah and his/her mother ofcourse :wink:
  9. P

    my own breeded diadem snake

    Hi all! this morning i receved my own snake young (dont know the word of own breeded pet's.. :roll: ) it was hatched in my practic school in a dry breedcase with very bad conditions. only one survived (next year i build my own breedcase :wink: ) accually i'm glad this is the only one couse if...
  10. P

    My mantids H. coronatus female, H. membranecae female!

    thx well, i know some dutch story's about it but i dont know how it called in english? you can search on that name..
  11. P

    My mantids H. coronatus female, H. membranecae female!

    hahaha well i like them couse it makes me enjoy longer of my animals :D but hospital needles are very scary indeed!
  12. P

    H. coronatus

    well, that wassn't so hard :wink: the male waited a bit and after a fieuw criket's, some bee's and an other flower vizitor (don't know the name anymore :roll: ) he walked very very gentle on her back and start ruffling a fieuw time's and than it started! here a fieuw pic's
  13. P

    H. coronatus

    he sit's on her back and hit's her fast on her wing's/shield. i think it wont take long now.. !
  14. P

    H. coronatus

    yeah i realy need that i guess.. damn the female see's the male all the time :evil: hard getting him behind her when she's not watching and won't see him.. any helpfull advice?
  15. P

    H. coronatus

    hi all, now i got finaly a male!! after 2 weeks of searching. to morrow i will try to mate them. hope it will work :wink: pictures will folow soon,
  16. P

    Yellow H. Coronatus

    fantastic! but that google'd photo is not what i like about the coronatus :P i like the white and smoothy yellow/pink like your'se thats nice :D keep it up with the pictures!! grtzz
  17. P

    Idolomantis Diabolica

    thats the dream mantid of every mantis freak.. beautiful mate :D i realy want to keep them too, first i want to succeed with my orchids and then there are some other species who i want to have and if im ready i get those :D
  18. P

    My mantids H. coronatus female, H. membranecae female!

    i did nothing illegal with my female if you mean that 8) :lol: no i just feed her flying bug's and bee's(?) (excuse for my very bad english) this pic was taken just when she dryed up after changing her skin 8) i was also amazed by the colour's now she is white :) grtzz
  19. P

    Turtle poll

    then you are lucky or your turtle haves not a flat backshield. some turtles sure cant turn over when they lay on there back. they most of the time give it all up after a fieuw minutes and die in a hour or less of all the stress. at least thats what i learned :wink:
  20. P

    movie: my snake change his coat :P

    hahaha thanx, yeah that was when i where cleaning theire cage and they sounded very nice :wink: