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  1. S

    odd eyes

    Well, she died this morning, but I fed her some water last night. She had black covering 80% of the surface of her eyes. She didn't seem to go in pain-just died overnight. I suppose she was really old when I caught her because I had her for about a month. Thanks for all the feedback over that...
  2. S

    odd eyes

    My Chinese female has been really lethargic today and yesterday but ate 1 1/2 moths yesterday. She's especially bad today and doesn't respond to touch much. She has gotten bigger black dots on her eyes-they weren't there when I first got her-it looks like she has obstructing pupils of...
  3. S

    mantis made me bleed XD

    No bite, thank God, but she grabbed me with her forearms (better name for them?), and she was really strong. The other day I was holding her and she started nibbling at my palm...what does this mean?
  4. S

    mantis half-eating

    She's a Chinese female, and ate a whole butterfly today and half of the second one. She's really fast when she wants to be, so I don't think she's getting old. At 3.5 in, maybe 1.5 butterflies is sufficient?
  5. S

    mantis made me bleed XD

    So I wanted to show Grandma my mantis, but she jumped when she saw her and made me poke my Chinese into the corner abruptly as I was taking her out. She whipped open her wings and struck my finger, and I can say, it was like needles! She gave me tiny puncture
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    mantis half-eating

    My Chinese eats a moth's head and thorax but not the abdomen anymore. Anyone know why?
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    Mucho flying...

    She eats 2 big moths a day at least and isn't skinny anymore like when I caught her. I have had her for about 2 weeks now, and she still loves flying.
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    Dropped the moth mid-chew

    I gave her a moth type I know she loves today, and I came back from walking dogs...its head was bitten off, and the body was next to it on the bottom of the tank unscathed. She killed it, and dropped it. Is that a sign that she's going to molt soon? And how often do they molt?
  9. S

    Mucho flying...

    My Chinese female can be held, but she quickly takes off once she's out of her tank. She seems to want to avoid going back in her habitat, too, and it's not a bad area for her. Is there anything I can do that may discourage so much flight? Maybe just handle her more often?
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    Dropped the moth mid-chew

    It wasn't too huge, but it was really fuzzy and pitch black. I never saw one before in my area...
  11. S

    Dropped the moth mid-chew

    It wasn't too huge, but it was really fuzzy and pitch black. I never saw one before in my area...
  12. S

    Dropped the moth mid-chew

    My mantis purposefully let go of a half-eaten moth... She had eaten a big one just an hour or so earlier. Does that mean she isn't hungry anymore?
  13. S

    New house needed?

    I have a Chinese female nearing 4 in. in length (I think she grew an inch in a week!) and her tank is exactly 12.5 inches high and 10 inches in width. I read that she could potentially grow to 6 in. Will I then need to get a new house measuring 1.5 ft. high by 1 foot wide?
  14. S

    Scary crickets...

    She hasn't molted and has stopped quivering randomly. She also refuses to eat, and tucked her head into her forearms and spazzes whenever I try to touch her...
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    Thanks for the input. How can I download a picture to this site?
  16. S


    I really want to know what kind of mantis mine is. She's 3 in long, a female, has a green body other than her wings and thorax. She is just a straight out of the norm shape, and I found her in IL. Any questions or suggestions as to her species would be greatly appreciated!
  17. S

    Scary crickets...

    My mantis has been hanging from the lid of the tank and quivering randomly for the past 2 days. Is she going to molt soon or is there something wrong with her? She has been eating fine. She's hanging by 4 feet though.
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    Scary crickets...

    Woah sorry, just re-read the tell on Precious, and you said that they shed their skin. Hehe nevermind my noob question!
  19. S

    Scary crickets...

    So sorry to hear that! What does a molt even look like? Do they sort of shed their skin? I want to take the crickets out if they're dangerous to her when she molts!
  20. S

    First Mantid!

    Yep, she loves those house flies. I waited for 15-20 minutes and saw her catch one. 1/4 is her catch rate :lol: Is she a bad shot? :P Anyone know what flies are best for mantids because I need to know where to get them for winter. Thank-you!