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  1. R

    Lost Leg?

    Actually, it was more than a lost leg...2 legs were deformed, 1 lost...but now it's OK. However, that's more what Rick was referring to--not about the lost leg.
  2. R

    Lost Leg?

    Great news...I decided to "forget" to put it in the freezer...and I checked it today and saw fresh molt... The missing leg has grown's definitely MUCH smaller than the other legs...but at least he has one! (actually i'm still not sure if it's a she or a he)...also, all the legs that...
  3. R


    o boy...yeah, wild caught...what do i do with it? lol
  4. R


    When a mantid lays eggs, does that mean they are do you tell?
  5. R

    Lost Leg?

    Sadly, I think the damage was far worst...she's now got 1 less leg...her front limb is deformed, her back right leg is also somewhat deformed...elongaged and pretty much useless for her balance--she can move both limbs but they aren't sitting properly. Any advice? I hand-feed her for the most...
  6. R

    Lost Leg?

    My orchid lost a leg during its molt (L3 now), will it grow back and will it be okay?
  7. R


    OH on a side note--my orchid L1 is now L2 and I didn't expect them to get their coloration so quickly! She, he it is beautiful!
  8. R


    It's strange how your experiences can totally scar you for life--maggots freak me out as once in college, I had one of those unfortunate cup-o-noodles as a snack...lo and behold, I open up the cup and MAGGOTS...blending in perfectly well with the uncooked noodles... I mean, if you think about...
  9. R


    Got my fruit fly culture about a week ago--my first one--EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...I understand the whole concept of the necessity for all this maggotry...but ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...................................... Such a girly thing to say--but seriously, there's literally a pool of them at...
  10. R

    : \

    Buy a flightless fly culture :) .
  11. R

    Making "Yen's Blend"

    If you use the grinder, make sure you burst it--and not leave it continuously grinding...otherwise you're gonna end up with paste with the added friction of a constantly rotating blade just burst the grinder til it's the consistency you want.
  12. R

    Making "Yen's Blend"

    Try a spice/coffee grinder...I think that might work well.
  13. R

    Orchid not eating?

    *her* And i've no clue, my first mantid really :( ...
  14. R

    Orchid not eating?

    I got D. Hydei because Yen told me that's what they were eating...I did see it eat one once so I hope that's not the case as it would take a couple days for me to order Melan culture :( .
  15. R

    Orchid not eating?

    Yeah I am feeding them D. Hydei - thanks! Should I remove that fly then in case it does molt? So that the fly does not interrupt it?
  16. R

    Orchid not eating?

    Got an L1 orchid from Yen...ate 1 fly since I got it (2 days ago)...ate nothing yesterday, normal?
  17. R

    Yen Saw - (US)

    I bought an orchid from Yen, the shipping was great--it was securely fastened to the box with ample cushion to ensure that the container was not damaged in any way. He even shipped me 3 free Flower Mantids--which I enjoy greatly as they are really active. All 4 babies got to me safely, and all...
  18. R


    Holy ...
  19. R

    Auto-Misting? Humidifier?

    Thanks guys, this is great! I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I will look into that foam, I wonder if my local reptile/exotic pet shop would have it seems like it would be easy to clean as all you'd have to do is rinse.
  20. R

    Housing with dividers?

    Does everybody just keep 1 housing per or do they have containers with dividers in them but 1 container (kind of like how betta tanks are)?