Look for a branch that's 7 ft tall or so and use it to tap the tree at 10-15 ft up. Once you see them move you have to kind of brush them to go down low enough for you to catch.
It' been many years since I've sexed mantids and my skills have diminished lol. People with experience sexing hymenopus coronatus please help a buddy out! Here are 7 photos of different nymphs I need assistance with.
Ah I see. Nope it was only my father and I, we went on a trail towards the back where no o e goes and stumbled across some flowers and decided to take pics there.
Looking for nymphs of either Acanthops sp, pseudocreobotra sp, or any of the "flowery" type species.. I already have phyllocrania and a batch of creo. Coming in. PM me with what you have and prices.. Must use PayPal
Looking to get a female sub or adult gongylus gongylodes. Unfortunately my female died out of nowhere... i now have a lone subadult male which will need a female soon. Looking to purchase, or will give an ooth in return... PM me.