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  1. Blahandmee

    Chinese mantis abdomen hanging

    It happened to one of my Chineses. If it happens again, what I did was I put the container on its side so the abdomen would naturally be pointing downward (The mantis is facing up). I left him there for the day and tested him out on the ceiling and it wasn't bent anymore. -Max
  2. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    Yes it was. Thanks for your help everyone. Sorry if I was confusing at times. I really apprreciate your guys's advice. Thanks again!
  3. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    Yeah, I know. People have different viewpoints and this is mine. Maybe I'll see it like you guys when I have more mantids to feed. :) Now back to my latest question.
  4. Blahandmee

    How big do fruit flies grow?

    Yeah, fruit flys are for your little baby nymphs that can't handle anything else. Well at least melanogaster is. Well I fed my Chinese L3-4's melanogaster for a while, but whatever.
  5. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    I don't really have pupae I just have flys and little white worms (maggots I presume?). I realize some of you might think this to be a little crazy but, what kind of enviroment are your guys's non-breeeding bluebottles living in? I mean to get right down to the point, I only have 1 mantid eating...
  6. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    Ok so heres the issue in my mind. The flys and maggots should be kept in a warm enviroment to better develop. Last time, I kept them warm and they got out of control. Like they were escaping and stuff. So what kind of container could I keep them in that will contain them? Will I have to...
  7. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    The maggots (and flies mixed in) are in my fridge, not thrown away. I had one of those cupo flies containers from and one day i just saw maggots in there, nothing special done.
  8. Blahandmee

    How Do You Setup A Blowfly Maggot Culture?

    My container of bluebottles has once again created maggots. I need help on how to raise these things because last time this happened, I just threw them away because they were getting out of the container and stuff. Seriously, the sooner people respond, the better. Thanks, Max
  9. Blahandmee

    My Poor Mantis

    Today I woke up to find my Chinese mantis finally molted into and adult. But he got stuck in his molt and his wings are totally screwed up. I mean really messed up. And he has about 3 1/2 functioning legs. I'll try to get a picture later. :( -Max
  10. Blahandmee

    ABbuggin - (US)

    Just got 3 little New Zealand nymphs. They were in great shape and ate food right away. Thanks again! -Max
  11. Blahandmee

    How do you keep mantis still for pics

    Honey is the answer for me! I put some on the tip of a toothpick and my mantis lifts up the whole thing. She won't care about eanything else. And one time I put a mealworm in the cage and she was rolling over on her back and falling all over the place put refused to lose the worm. :D -Max
  12. Blahandmee

    Custom 10 gallon tanks

    Wait I have a question. Don't you have to keep mulitiple mantids apart (except for the first instars) or else they'll go cannabalistic? -Max
  13. Blahandmee

    I'm obliged to show you how bored I am

    Man, you sure have a thing for drawing on random objects. :lol: -Max
  14. Blahandmee

    I'm obliged to show you how bored I am

    Nice drawing! You should see me trying to draw carnivorous plants. I think I killed an entire forest. :P :lol: -Max
  15. Blahandmee

    Hey Everybody!

    Hey Sparky, I think I know you from Terraforums. My name over there is Maxx. Thanks guys. I'm getting some New Zealand mantids soon. -Max
  16. Blahandmee

    Custom 10 gallon tanks

    Cool! I'm thinking of turning my old 15gal terrarium into a mantid housing sometime. -Max
  17. Blahandmee

    Hey Everybody!

    Ah, yes! Obregon and I are owners of the online carnivorous plant nursery, I think we also sell mantids time to time. Was that what you were thinking of ,Obregon?
  18. Blahandmee

    Hey Everybody!

    I'm in Long Beach. Just south of Los Angeles.
  19. Blahandmee

    Hey Everybody!

    Hey everyone on this forum. I kinda forgot to make a post here at first since I missed this whole section of the forum, but better late than never! I've been raising two chinese nymphs and now i have one adult and one subadult. So thats basically how much experience I have. I really hope to...
  20. Blahandmee

    Chinese molting problem

    Yeah, I had a chinese that got it's back legs stuck in the molt for a while and it came out with a squished pair of legs and a partially squished abdomen. He didn't make it either.