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  1. G

    Tried the mating thing for my Rosies...

    It was definately different. The male was ready but my female was very eager to give him a bite. Legs high with fangs spread wide. The male went to work taping, but to no good use I would asume. If it only takes seconds then he did his job, if it take a wee bit more, I have to try again. It...
  2. G

    Borialis finally hatch

    After 8 months they finally hatched. I was about to give up on them too. Been a long time since I posted due to a virus taking down my computer but I'm back. :wink:
  3. G

    Christmas gift

    :D Oh boy, I just placed an order for 1 GBB, 1 L. Parahybana, 1 B. Vegan, and 1 C. Fascinatum for a Christmas gift to myself. I can't wait. Pics will be here when I get them. :wink:
  4. G


    :cry: Lost another B. Borealis today. I think it's time for them to die around here anyway. But I do have 7 ooths from them suckers. All I have to do now is hope they hatch. Hey Yen you know what the life cycle/season is on them. I no longer find them about since September.
  5. G

    Login question

    Anyone else having to login 2 times in a row? Just wondering, been happening to me almost everytime.
  6. G

    Xenesthis immanus (columbian Lesserback)

    Anyone know if they are available? Or anyone have a couple?
  7. G

    Ooooooooh my!

    Just my luck. I went out and got some small lizards for my scarlet snake today. I only came home to find no snake :shock: . It must have gotten out last night. Foolish me did not put the cover back on. Where are the most productive places for a snake to hide in a house? I guess I will...
  8. G

    Pygmy chameleons

    I found a couple sites that sell these cuties if anyone is interested. and also I didn't know they were available. They are cheap to.
  9. G

    snake ?'s

    Never had a snake before and I caught a scarlet snake (Cemophra coccinea coccinea). I definately know it is not a coral snake so don't ask :wink: :lol: . Anyway, what is the proper way to care for them (snakes in general) I thought I needed some type of light, but petco guy told me not to...
  10. G

    The God's have answered....

    Thank you very much moderators, for these extra few forum areas. :D :D :D :D :D
  11. G

    I may be mentally challenged.....

    :? but is CHAT gone? I can't seem to find it.
  12. G

    Got to love the pet trade
  13. G

    House Flies, bluebottles, and/or,green bottle flies

    Oregon feeders are not taking orders till october. Anyone know how to raise, breed, and catch these flies? Thanks in advance.
  14. G

    unidentifies insect

    I have caught about 15-20 hatchling mystery bugs. The egg cases were laid singly in a row, amber in color. They were laid 7-9 days ago and have already hatched. They look like amber colored aphids about 2/16 of an inch in length. They have antenae that are about the same length as the body...
  15. G

    Chinese ooths update

    Well, I finally got tired of waiting to see if anymore T. senensis were going to hatch. Many of U said they most likely would not, U were right :wink: . Anyway I cut them open and everything was black inside, and the case was rock hard. Can anyone tell me what went wrong? It almost looked...
  16. G

    my noob setup

    not much, but a start.,
  17. G


    I just went to mist my B Borealis and I saw this large ant looking thing on the screen cover and my Borealis was on the bottom of the enclosure, which was strange. Then I realized this was no ant, it was a nymph Chinese mantis :shock: . I forgot to thouroughly check my substrate when I moved...
  18. G

    Vials and mold inhibitor

    I am looking for fruit fly vials and mold inhibitor/medium. I went to but get kits, not specific supplies. I found a site that sold vials but only in mass bulk (350 pieces) don't need that many.