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  1. joel

    My giant indian hasnt eaten for over a week, help!!!

    its cool he has eaten now, im just paranoid because he is 'old' i know this sounds crazy but will he just die? thanks for your info tho, i dint think they could go with out eating for that long
  2. joel

    My giant indian hasnt eaten for over a week, help!!!

    he is an adult, has been for at least two months possibly more, he hasnt eaten for over a week even though iv put a few different locust in his tank. last time he ate he left the legs which he never does the ones i have put in turn up dead on the floor but i dont know wether he has killed...
  3. joel

    my giant indian never flies :(

    lol thats a bit harsh his wings are longer then his body, i figured this ment he was male? do the females not fly then? p.s he never attacks me or even shows his defence pose, is my mantis just lame? lol
  4. joel

    my giant indian never flies :(

    he never flies, wondered why?? how often do others fly? he has been adult for nearly a month and i have him out pretty much daily, he has lots of room and is often left perched on my table, but he has never taken flight? will i ever see this specticle???!!!
  5. joel

    My Heirodula is an adult!!

    my first ever mantid had its final shed today and is now an adult!! i know this info is useless, lol but im extremely proud and had to tell someone?!! lol im gunna get and orchid or ghost mantis next, any info or opinions regarding this choice and poss others- would be appreciated!! cheers...
  6. joel

    Found a mantis nymph

    i only know my mantis is molting when i offer it food and it refuses, or just strikes at it not grabbing it because it will just hang upside down for ages if undisturbed
  7. joel


    nice one!!
  8. joel

    wanted a bit of info on ghost mantis

    just wondered how big they grow? how often and what they eat? how hard they are to keep? (i.e do they die easily) what temps/humidity to keep them at? and if anyone knows any singular prices? thanks joel
  9. joel

    Double Fisted

    i gotta try feeding my mantis two flys rather than one at a time! p.s thats a quality picture morpheus
  10. joel


    my mantis has only struck me once, didnt really hurt but did make me jump he is not adult yet tho plus he is really timid, not alot aggrivates him
  11. joel


    I must of missed it, its not on the main page now you got the address for it or anyway i can find it>?? cheers
  12. joel

    Need help aging my giant indian

    i cant get a good photo of his wing buds, sorry rubbish camera lol they are about 1/3rd the size of his back section quite visible as little wings does sub sub adult mean a couple more sheds and he is fully grown?? p.s do all giant indians reach 6-8 inches long?
  13. joel

    Need help aging my giant indian

    he has shed twice in the two months iv had him if it helps, allthough its not clear he has started growing small wings and his back is slightly curled so he is just under 3 inches any ideas how old/how many sheds/what instar etc he is?
  14. joel

    Best looking mantis?

    am i the only person who thinks the 'original' giant asian/indian is best? when ever you say mantis people think of them
  15. joel

    do mantids urinate?

    thanks for your input, all of you when he sprayed at my girlfriend it went on her hand, and she said it started stinging before she washed it off? could this point towards the acid theory? p.s the stuff im talking bout did fire quite far, just under a foot or so p.p.s i do feed him quite...
  16. joel

    do mantids urinate?

    my giant indian mantis has twice sprayed some form of liquid from his bottom end (sorry not sure of its name) i figured this could be urine as its where he excretes from too, but cant find any info on it so wondered if anyone knew? could it be some kind of self defence maybe? as it has been...