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  1. J

    Orchids attempting to mate for the 3rd time

    My orchids just can't seem to figure it out..  first attempt was last weekend, my Female was not ready yet, but the male rode her back for 4 days and tried his best. He eventually hopped off. After a couple days, the second attempt (the female is over 2 weeks as an adult) but, the next morning...
  2. J

    Is my Orchid getting too fat?

    My Female orchid molted to adult on 7/5. She started eating again on 7/7 and hasn't stopped!  Every day, I catch about 30 (smallish-medium) blow flies and she just keeps grabbing and devouring. I read somewhere that I shouldn't overfeed, so should I limit the number of flies?  Having a dog...
  3. J

    My Female Orchid Mantis' final molt

    Some of you might have seen my previous posts about my adult female orchid not eating and she ultimately passed. My friend who raised her sister gave her orchid to me because she was unable to spend the time to take care of her.  When I received her orchid a month and a half ago, she was THREE...
  4. J

    My Female Orchid - Diva

    I've neglected to post photos throughout my first orchid journey, but here they are! I renamed her Diva, because since she has molted to adult on 5/10, she has been such a diva when it comes to eating on her own!  Sigh.  Thanks for looking!
  5. J

    Adult Orchid Female not eating

    My female orchid molted to adult a few days ago on 5/10. She is not interested in any food. I've offered honey, which she will only take a nibble at before pushing it away. She will drink water, but that's about it. I tried offering cut up flies to her mouth, but she doesn't take it.  I'm...
  6. J

    Mis-molt back legs

    I have a mantis that has molted about 4 times. He did not get his back legs fully out yesterday. By the time I saw him, he had already dried out and still had his legs in his molt. I tried to cut away what I could and his legs are deformed, so he cannot hang on them. Is it possible that he...