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  1. J-P

    Wanted : Hierodula majuscula

    Hi, OK I did not know ... I understand better effect. Thank you
  2. J-P

    Wanted : Hierodula majuscula

    Thank you. I have already contacted but they do not want to sell outside Australia.
  3. J-P

    Wanted : Hierodula majuscula

    Hello, I'm currently looking for a oothecae of Hierodula majuscula (Giant Rainforest Mantis). Thank you for your help. Contact me if you have that :) J-P
  4. J-P

    Wanted : Phyllovates Chlorophaea ooth

    Hi, I'm looking for a ooth of Phyllovates Chlorophaea. Can someone help me? I'm asking for price proposals. Best Regards, J-P
  5. J-P


    Indeed :) but Belgium is too the country of chocolate :D
  6. J-P


    Hello, I'm Jean-Pierre from Belgium. I'm 33 years old. I keep 2 kinds of mantids at the moment : Sphodromantis lineola and Creobroter gemmatus. I keep also 2 kinds of phasmids at the moment : Aretaon (Trachyaretaon) brueckneri P.S.G n°255 and Peruphasma schultei P.S.G n°270. See you soon. J-P