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  1. Z


    Just a final update to end this thread. I have returned her to the wild and got another one just like her, however this one is healthy and is eating well. As to the spazzing, I think it has something to do with this species, as this one does it as well. She moves VERY fast in everything she does.
  2. Z


    No change in her status, she will still actively pursue prey, but is unable to catch any sized food. I Just tried to tweezer feed her multiple cricket sizes, she was able to rip a leg off of one while i held it for her and she devoured it very quickly. But I dont think shes long for this world...
  3. Z


    Day 6 without food, the mantis has put down an ooth, think that pretty much solves this mystery. Hopefully she will eat now =) Im still slightly concerned but this has changed things quite a bit.
  4. Z

    Probablity of Fertalization

    Thanks for the reply =)
  5. Z

    Probablity of Fertalization

    I caught a mantis 2-3 weeks ago, adult female. Last night she put down an ooth in her tank (much to my suprise as i thought it was male ;) ) Any idea what the chances are they are fertalized eggs? Im going to go hunt this weekend to see if i can find her a mate for her future ooths.
  6. Z

    My first Ooth hatches

    Gotta say im a tad jealous =)
  7. Z


    His arms do look a bit "off" compared to my other 2 mantid, but i dont have the experience to say if they are for sure. For the sake of saftey (and until i can find my camera cable) what would you reccomend assuming his arms are messed up?
  8. Z


    Unsure of species, size is aprox 1.5 inches. Threw in 4 crickets of different sizes last night, ranging from too tiny to medium sized. As soon as I threw them in he went on the hunt, very active stalker. However with every attempt he made to capture one of these crickets he would hit them and...
  9. Z


    Should know by tonight, going to try and make it to petsmart and pick up some small crickets as a tester until i can obtain a better foodsource. Being too big would definitly explain the dismembering =)
  10. Z


    Think you got the nail on the head with this one. I grabbed the cricket with tweezers (no easy task) and tried to feed him by hand. He struck at it a few times and backed away. I will try and feed him somthing a bit smaller in a day or 2.
  11. Z


    Being relativly new to keeping mantid all i have to compare his abdomen to are my other 2 from different species. To me the new guy im having issues with seems a bit on the lean side. Thats an interesting tidbit though, ill keep an eye on him over the next few days and see if anything changes...
  12. Z


    He is able to walk around and climb just fine, I see no other abnormalities other than when he strikes an insect (ive tried feeding him a few different types, but always the same result) As far as the pesticide theory goes I talked to a bug exterminator awhile back and he told me that the...
  13. Z


    I caught a small mantis the other night, and threw a few little critters in his temporary housing to much on. Ive noticed whenever he goes to strike at one of the buggers he will hit it, usually capture it for a moment then his body will shudder violently and he will lose his prey. During this...