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  1. K

    Mantis wont Eat

    Its so strange, I dangle moths, flies and crickets in front of it and it doesn't seem interested at all, but it just keeps looking up at my face and wants to get up there. When I move around it follows me with its head and it obviously just really wants to be on my face it seems because when I...
  2. K

    Mantis wont Eat

    Hey everybody, My sub-adult Giant Asian Mantis has not eaten in over a week, She finally molted yesterday morning so that explains the past week, but she still will not eat today. I have offered her crickets, flies, and a mosquito hawk by and hand and loose in the tank and she only strikes at it...
  3. K

    Well this sucks..

    I'll see if I can post some pics, but its pretty bad. Compared to your picture its quite a bit worse. Basically all her legs are useless, she has a really bad hunch and both claws seem affected by this and barely work. She can't really walk but just lays miserably on the floor of the tank with...
  4. K

    Well this sucks..

    I woke up this morning to find my l3 wide arm nymph molting and stuck, she also seemed to have fallen from the side of the tank to the floor. I didn't realize that she was about to molt and forgot to mist the tank last night. I misted the tank right away to up the humidity from bone dry and went...
  5. K

    looking for Flower mantids

    Looking to get any specie of Flower mantid, particularly interested in Devil's flower but others are fine. Also interested in possibly getting an Orchid. Let me know you have anything, Thanks!
  6. K

    Stick insects

    Hey all, I'm interested in getting a phasmid or two. I kept a large brown spiny one (not sure of exact species) when I was younger that I found at a local reptile show and it was very cool. I have been looking around online but can't seem to find any available in the US, they all seem to be in...
  7. K

    Greeting from California

    Hey all, I guess I just joined the mantis hobby haha. As a kid I was obsessed with bugs and animals and I kept a common local mantis, hissing roaches, a couple different walking sticks and all kinds of lizards and things. My mom bought me a rose hair tarantula when I was six years old and it...