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  1. E

    Only 4 babies hatched; more to come?

    Mine replied fine at room temp. many hatched, i "dixie cupped" ( we should add that to the dictionary) alot, and set the ooth outside in a small container with air holes, came back in a couple days, and about 50 were there.
  2. E


    Well. After waiting weeks, my ooth hachted, but thats old new. So I realeased the mantids in my backyard. In my veggie garden and rosebush. Today, i was chopping down some weeds, or as I call the Super Weeds, they are as thick as a tree! Anyways, as I was almost done, I spotted a small male...
  3. E


    So. I had two ooths, and I kept one and let the offspring of another out in my garden. Hoping that in a month or two I would see big ones, that I could say "hi" too. But a week has gone by, and all are gone! I put some on my rose bush, infested with whiteflies, ants, flies, aphids, the whole...
  4. E


    Just a setup of my ooths. I just wondering if I did it correctly, with the pin and all. I hope so. Thx.. heres a link to more photos if you need them. When you get there click on the thumbnail for the fullsize. The pics are larger than...
  5. E

    Meet Claire.

    I've always wanted one. But they are illegal here in California. So are all the cool pets Ferrets Pygmy Marmosets Monkeys ALL THE COOL STUFF except for mantids! YAY
  6. E

    Fertile Ooths

    Thats what I thought. Thanks for the quick replies.
  7. E

    Chiniese Ooth

    Thanks! Not trying to scare anyone.... or am I? lol
  8. E

    Fertile Ooths

    How do you know if a ooth is fertile. There is probably no way, but if there is, even a contriversal way, I would like to know. Just don't give me the stuff " Oh... Put it in your mouth and wiggle it with your tounge, if it feels gross, its fertile" lol XD Thanks!
  9. E

    Chiniese Ooth

    I currently have two ooths. What can I do to help them hatch. Can i mist them with water... Do they need humitaty, how can i coaxe them out?! Thanks guys.
  10. E


    Should you use humidaty when hatching an ooth. Its chiniese.
  11. E

    Posting Photos

    Most people us photobucket to host pics. I found a better place, and it doesn't do that "this photo has been removed " stuff. here it is I use it for everything, so usefull, you can use it to size pics for your cell phone, ipod ect. Cheers :D
  12. E


    I know mantids are carnivorous, but can they eat, lettuce,carrots,ect. Thanks guys