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  1. spicey

    my leopard geckos

    very cute. We used to have one years ago. Now I've promised my 11 year old that he can get one if he keeps his grades up at school this first semester. It's a good incentive for him.
  2. spicey

    Cabinet to Enclosure conversion

    It's still a very good idea to give them water aside from the moisture they get from their food. A little misting goes a long way to rearing healthy and happy mantids.
  3. spicey

    Went collecting. Tons of pics. Narrow winged mantids (Tenodera angustipennis)

    Thanks for the info, that's good to know!
  4. spicey

    Went collecting. Tons of pics. Narrow winged mantids (Tenodera angustipennis)

    Thanks for letting me know that, I wonder why some of the Chinese nymphs are already 4 inches long and have reached sub-adult and some are so much smaller? Could it be because they came from 2 different ooths even though they hatched at roughly the same time?
  5. spicey

    Can mantids eat SPIKES?

    That's what mine did, they grabbed them up right away as they crawled across the bottom, seemed to enjoy them alot. As far as jeopardizing them, I just wondered because of the medium that the maggots are usually reared in...
  6. spicey

    Pickled Nymphs

    Is that bottle glass or plastic? If it's glass, I don't think they stand a chance in there. If it's plastic, I would suggest cutting out a large section on the face of the bottle and then replacing the cutout section with some screening. Just my humble opinion. Good luck.
  7. spicey

    Decapitated corpse mates!

    One of the books that I borrowed from the library mentioned that sometimes that would indeed happen, especially if the male had not connected yet. The theory that they stated was that it was a way for nature to intervene and help out the reproduction cycle when the male either isn't interested...
  8. spicey

    Finally, pics of my mantids

    Nice set of pics! Thanks for sharing with us. That female European is a whopper! (No wonder you won't let her near the lizards... :lol: )
  9. spicey

    Can mantids eat SPIKES?

    HAHA! :lol: I'm now getting a mental image of a vampire maggot with a stinger on it's hind end!
  10. spicey

    Can mantids eat SPIKES?

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.
  11. spicey

    Went collecting. Tons of pics. Narrow winged mantids (Tenodera angustipennis)

    You have no idea how much I appreciate all these pics! I'm still waiting to see if any of my narrow winged mantids make it to adulthood, and to be able to tell them from my Chinese too. I'm also very jealous, I wish I could have spent the day out in an area full of ooths and mantids like you...
  12. spicey

    Can mantids eat SPIKES?

    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried feeding the blue bottle maggots to their mantids? I just received a nice order of spikes, very lively, but am currently out of blue bottle flies. My larger mantids could really use some big juicy sustenance, and I was wondering if it is okay to offer...
  13. spicey

    To the rescue

    Good point, I know that she was referring to europeans, not sure about Alex though. I was just assuming that they both were referring to europeans, and based on my own european ooth hatching experience I know that I end up with less than 10% of the nymphs that hatch surviving through all their...
  14. spicey

    To the rescue

    QUOTE (hibiscusmile @ Sep 23 2009, 09:01 PM) lucky to end up with 6 from an ooth! I think that when she said lucky to get 6, she was referring to how many of the nymphs reach adulthood from a single ooth, not how many hatch. I could be wrong though, it wouldn't be the first time in my 40+...
  15. spicey

    Mangrove swamp in Singapore

    Really cool pics! Thanks for sharing!
  16. spicey

    Your OTHER pets!

    Hey Tyler! My "better half", MAGICMAN, is a magician. I neglected to mention that we have a dove also, named Sampson. His mate Delilah died last winter though. Sampson and Delilah were used in the magic act whenever he performs any dove magic.
  17. spicey

    Your OTHER pets!

    Now that you mention it, that IS the dying cockroach position! :lol: