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  1. spicey

    Can mantids eat SPIKES?

    I was wondering if anyone has ever tried feeding the blue bottle maggots to their mantids? I just received a nice order of spikes, very lively, but am currently out of blue bottle flies. My larger mantids could really use some big juicy sustenance, and I was wondering if it is okay to offer...
  2. spicey

    My First SUB-ADULT (eating a grasshopper)

    Finally! I have one that reached Sub-Adult! I'm pretty excited about it. I caught a grasshopper earlier today and it really seems to like munching on it.
  3. spicey

    Think PINK and check out this Link

    Hey everyone! I stumbled upon this article on the web today and it was about a boy that found a pink grasshopper. The article goes on to talk about other insects and such that can be pink, and has pics including a mantis, dragonfly, katydid, moth and others. It also goes on to say how mantids...
  4. spicey

    cute pics

    Big Appetite! Making friends
  5. spicey

    Mantis Mix Up in Nymph Nursery

    Okay, to make a long story short, we had a mix up with some of our newly hatched nymphs about 2 months ago. I'm not all that good at identifying species (especially when they are babies) and even worse at sexing them. Over on the announcements board (Bugfest 2009 thread), I posted a few pics...
  6. spicey

    Getting to know you

    Hello everyone. I live in Michigan, United States. My significant other and I both are into raising mantids and other somewhat exotic pets. I haven't raised mantids in about 15 years, so it's like starting all over for me. :lol: Currently we only have mantid species that are considered...