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  1. C

    Well, My Mantis is dieing.

    Well unfortunately he didn't make it. I wish there was something more that I could have done. I dreamed about it all last night and had a dream that I woke up and he had finally just molted and was doing fine. He had come out of his molt bright green and with wings and kept flying around. Then I...
  2. C

    Well, My Mantis is dieing.

    well I just checked him and he is actually still alive, but he is just laying there. Its like his back legs dont work. He crawled up my shirt, but doesn't hang there for long. He acts like he is paralyzed in his lower legs.
  3. C

    Well, My Mantis is dieing.

    Well, at least I know that much now. That has been bugging me for a while. I'm really bummed that he died, he was doing so well. I just don't get it.
  4. C

    Well, My Mantis is dieing.

    He hasn't eaten in a couple of days, and I assumed he was getting ready to molt again, because I've only seen him do it once and he behaved pretty much the same way. Every so often I have been going in to check and see if he has started yet, but he is always just hanging there. Then I went in...
  5. C

    What to feed?

    I just bought some fly pupae and a new cage for him, and I got lucky and caught two more flies in the house and put them in there today. I think he is getting ready to molt though. He has starting hanging on the branch and is looking even more brown. Hopefully he will get the flies soon so at...
  6. C

    What to feed?

    well thats an idea. I will have to do that I guess. I did try the crickets when I first got him. I went to the pet store and bought about 10 really small crickets, but he never ate even one from what I could tell. The house flies though he's all over.
  7. C

    What to feed?

    Thanks for responding, and I'm not sure what is up with him, or her, but I've seen the fruit flies walk right around him and he just seems irritated by it and moves out of the way like he don't want them touching him. I hope he eventually starts eating them, just so it will be easier to feed...
  8. C

    What to feed?

    Hey guys, new poster here. I found a small Mantid out in my backyard and decided to keep him for a while. I bought a small plastic fish tank and put some branches in there with a few leaves on them and put him in. He seems to hang upside down most of the time on tank and has only hung out on the...