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  1. D

    adult male ghost needed

    adult male ghost needed ,let me know if you can help ,thanks
  2. D

    does anyone have a Sibylla pretiosa adult or sub adult male?

    would like to buy , or breed loan ,please pm me thanks
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    UPDATE:SOLD OUT, I probably have more pm's than nymphs,i will be replying to all pms in time,
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    I have had some good hatches and willing to sale (USA ONLY) P.M. me if interested should be ready to ship @ L-2 on 1/11/2012
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    Mystery ooths from Tunesia - Please HELP identify!

    Didimocorypha lanceolata source: goto ooth pics , great reference site
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    Fresh adult male orchid (Hymenopus coronatus)

    for sale ,..or breed/hatch offer,..if you need him let me know ,pm me
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    Orchid mantis breeding

    oh another thing,...hopefuly she is not eggbound , you can tell if she is eggbound by any of these tell-tale signs, 1.extremely fat 2.faint dark spots on the upper abdomen 3.extremely small or no droppings ( healthy doppings are black and pinkish and are about 3mm in diameter) Hopefully she...
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    Orchid mantis breeding

    i use a plastic cube ,with aper towels drapped over the sides and sticks of defferent diameters, i raise the humidity very high and muggy then let cool over night if she is ready she will lay, i allways know they are ready when they ignore food and frantically walk about the net cage, if you do...
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    Demand ooths! From the world!

    hello ,where do you live? (please read listing rules above) and what non-mantid ooths are you looking for?
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    i have fresh adult male Idolomantis diabolica

    I have a 1 week adult male Idolomantis diabolica , wondering if anyone is breeding them in USA , I am waiting to hear back from someone selling a female , but in the meantime thought id see if anyone else is desparately needing a male and has a female ready to mate.
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    Adult female Acanthops parafalcata laying ootheca + hatchlings

    awesome pics! was wondering do you or anyone have a pic of this species mateing? I am curious to know how the male does it,since female abdomen is at an angle? just curious , if not ill find out soon enough i have a few sub-adults
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    Bouncing baby boy

  13. D

    Hi Everyone

    welcome Eva , LOL I have a female Orchid named Eva
  14. D

    HI from Ireland

    welcome ! from Kansas ,USA
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    Do adult females continue to release pherimones even after being mated?

    i have some females who i witnessed mateing/contact for hours , and eevn found the broken sperm sack a day later,.but still see them at night with there abdomens pointing 90 degrees, anywho know the answer? ...a thought
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    adult male A.Multicolor wanted

    I have a adult female only, looking to buy/trade
  17. D

    few mantids for sale

    still have S. Prestiosa (litchen mantis) nymphs and ooths available
  18. D

    L2 sexing

    glad to help out, i feel a jewelers loupe is a must for anyone breeding mantids, you can find them on ebay for about $7,well worth the investment
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    L2 sexing

    i use a jewlers 10x and 20x loupe ,it is possible ,you have to know what to look for ,and the hardest part is getting them to be still It is more complex than simply counting the segments,wish i could draw on here,ill try to explain,.. at L2 it will appear that they all have 8 segments, the...