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  1. Boxer_Bug

    Hi hi hi there!

  2. Boxer_Bug

    Mantis ID

    it looks like a budwing to me. like this.....
  3. Boxer_Bug

    waht made you come to this hobby

    1.why did you begin raising mantises? fond a mantis on my house. I "saved" it froma spider. (after some looking up i found i saved the spider. lol) 2. waht do you think is the most facinating thing about them? there stedfast, can fight bigger pray, many mantises have you had added...
  4. Boxer_Bug

    Hi, new here...

    Welcome to the Arthropod HQ.
  5. Boxer_Bug


    well i know you put not to but.. a mantis would be about it for me. that are just a biger man (taller)(buffer)
  6. Boxer_Bug

    Decapitated corpse mates!

    lol. males can't think with both heads at the same time. ya that sucks for us males. we so ya that odd and kinda spooky well if it work.
  7. Boxer_Bug

    what do you to to make a ooth take longer to Hach?

    ya a lot may die... ok thanks.
  8. Boxer_Bug

    what do you to to make a ooth take longer to Hach?

    chinese mantis. i got 2 ooth. and read it can have about 400 each. i dont have the space for 800 babys at this time. so i just put it in the Fridge? ok.
  9. Boxer_Bug

    what do you to to make a ooth take longer to Hach?

    what do you to to make a ooth take longer to Hach? i was looking on the net i found some thing about keeping them cold. what do i do? but them in the freezer? will that not kill them. let me know.
  10. Boxer_Bug


    who is Martin?
  11. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    i know that mantis fly is not a true mantis. i did not say the list was of what i what. i put. I what U.S. Native's only. ((see this space that mean that the (I what U.S. Native's only) is over)) --- introduced species--- T Sinensis(Chinese Mantis) European Mantis (Mantis Religiosa)...
  12. Boxer_Bug

    any Martial arts fans out there?

    Brazilian Jiujitsu sound cool. Jiujitsu is cool.
  13. Boxer_Bug

    heya! new

    Welcome to Arthropod HQ.
  14. Boxer_Bug

    Greeting from midwest

    Welcome to Arthropod HQ.
  15. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    i did not say i was going to culture them. every one keep telling me what to do. and it up to me what i put on "my" list. i know who i am and what i what. well..... thanks for all your help any way everybuddy.
  16. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    thanks PhilinYuma. that right i see it as a mantis so there. I know it is "not" a mantid. but i just love the calw thing so im ading it to (my) list. it for me only so i dont see way every one dont what it on it. that up to me. PhilinYuma thank you your right. "not mere fact, but of [our]...
  17. Boxer_Bug

    any Martial arts fans out there?

    Tai Chi mantis ya that cool. no place where i live <_< i what to make up my own someday. that be cool.
  18. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    I know that. but i like them. any way who are this people (not on this site) that think they are not Mantids. they got the head and claws. my be it just a camo for them.
  19. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    that what it was colld on Wiki. (obscure ground mantis) (mantis flys) i what them on my list they got mantis likt claws so i like them.
  20. Boxer_Bug

    Need list of all U.S. Native Mantis

    --- introduced species--- T Sinensis/Common Chinese Mantis, Mantis Religiosa, Mediterranean Mantis (Iris oratoria) ------------------------------------- U.S. Native list i got so far.. Grizzled Mantis/Lichen Mimic(Gonatista grisea) Mexican Unicorn Mantis/texas Unicorn Mantis(Phyllovates...