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  1. J

    I'm FINALLY a mantis keeper!

    I got my first mantis two weeks ago at the MI Reptile expo, courtesy of MIArachnids. Ghost mantis! :D
  2. J

    My mantid laid an ooth...right on the joint of the tank. Tips?

    So, I've been keeping an M.religiosa female I caught at work in a 10 gallon tank. Specifically, a tank with a sliding screen top. She laid the ooth so that it is about half on the screen border, and half on the edge of the tank.
  3. J

    How to find out what mantids are native to my area/

    I live in west Michigan, and I'd like to keep local, native mantids. I don't really intend on going out and just catching them, but I'm having a hard time find what species are native to this area. And, just to make things easier, for my purposes, established foreign species count as 'native'...
  4. J

    Found an interesting site, including purchase of Chinese mantids. Thought I'd share. Looks like good prices. Someone on Arachnoboards posted it as a place to get isopods. Thought it might be helpful here as well. :P
  5. J

    Hello! Just here to learn

    I don't intend on having mantids, mainly since I loooove my tarantulas, and my wife-to-be had to have some sort of limit. Plus, I understand mantids usually only live a season, and I like things to last a little longer. Anyway, I'm just here to browse and learn about mantids! :D