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  1. R

    A Question About Mantids as Pesticide.

    If You want to sell mantises to relase them on fhe field, you must sell only native species. 80 years ago cane toads were also relased in Australia as earth friendly pesticide and quickly become uncontrollable plague.
  2. R

    extra long leg

    I once had seven legged Sungaya inexpectata (one of its front legs was splited for two on its base, it looked like "Y" letter). So many strange things can happen. And also two gynandromorphic stick insects... One of them on photo. It is Phaenopharos khaoyaiensis, look like stick insect male...
  3. R

    extra long leg

    If it is mutation (it can be) it will be better to not allow this specimen to reproduce, even if you would cut this leg.
  4. R

    Hey Rick, this is what one of my mantises thinks of your signature...

    Very funny :-) Interesting, that it needed 10 attack efforts, before it started to ignore "target".
  5. R

    Heteropteryxiyxyxixi Dilatata

    The most dangerous moment in breeding Heteropteryx dilatata is female's last moulting. They moult vertically upside down, linked with the branch only with the last pair of legs. it look like that . So monstrously big insects needs peace and a lot of free space to manage final muolting, or they...
  6. R

    Shield Mantis - Bad Molt

    I had simmilar problem. One of my R. baslalis in simmilar age trapped his hind legs in old shell. I set free one of legs, but it was askew, destined up. Second leg unfortunately broke out just under the knee. So he had one not working leg and one half leg. I feeded him by forceps. Now it molted...
  7. R

    Mantids in the future?

    If humans would dissappear, remnants of the cities will turn back into forests in only 200 years. Nature wouldn't need big changes. However there is one species of mosquito, what lives only in London subway. It is mostly transparent and it's favourite food is of course human blood.
  8. R

    Mantids in the future?

    Humans will never destroy all of the insects.
  9. R

    Mantids in the future?

    They will look exactly the same like now. Of course it is quite possible that there will be some massive, 30 cm long species able to hunt on lizards and bats (it could easily happend on isolated island, where is no predatory vertebrates), but some species what live today also can do it (for...
  10. R

    how smart( or dumb) is a mantis

    0. Mantis is perfect working "automatic machine", with no manifestation of intelligence. They don't think, don't have self-knowledge and if they have any memory, it is irreducible. They only have instinct, what motivates their reactions in very simple way. Insects are very good example, that...
  11. R

    Albino Insects

    There are very many color morphs of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. So it is possible also for insects.