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  1. GingerSnapzBack

    Tank & Herbs/plants?

    Hello all, Tomorrow I go to get my mantis. And I'm wondering a few things I have a tank that I used to keep my stick insects and african land snails in its apparently 21 litres this should be ok for one female mantis right? this is the tank...
  2. GingerSnapzBack

    Species, which should I get?

    Hello everyone, I've done one of these before but this one is a cert. I'm getting my first mantis soon and I have a choice out of these species. Looking for something easy and a nice size. I have the choice of the following: African Lined Mantis Giant Indian Mantis Chinese Praying Mantis...
  3. GingerSnapzBack

    Best Beginner Specied Out Of...

    Thankyou for replying! :)
  4. GingerSnapzBack

    Best Beginner Specied Out Of...

    Hello thanks for the fast reply may I ask why you choose the African? Im interested in peoples views. :)
  5. GingerSnapzBack

    Best Beginner Specied Out Of...

    Hello there, Im new to the forum and next week ill be getting a praying mantis. And im just wondering wich is a good beginner mantis out of the following. Giant Indian Mantis Bud Wing Mantis African Mantis Chinese Mantis. Thank you for any replies. Ginger-x