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  1. swords

    Ghost ooth hatching but questions

    Thanks, I will try for even more humidity. I'll put some standing water under the moss (1/8" or so) and set it on the TV (slight bottom heat). I do mist the enclosure (steady condensation on the plastic) and have placed tape over the ventilation leaving only a small amount of FF screen exposed...
  2. swords

    Ghost ooth hatching but questions

    Hey folks I am getting hatching on my Ghost Mantid ootheca but about 50% are getting stuck & die half way emerged, I have 3 little pointy headed ants and 3 dead ones, what is the problem causing them to get stuck? Conditions: The eggcase is on the stick it was laid on, it is mounted...
  3. swords

    Incubation period for Ghost ooths and hatchling care?

    Nobody has raised ghosts?
  4. swords

    Incubation period for Ghost ooths and hatchling care?

    I have a first ootheca from the female Ghost Mantid. She ate her mate after they lived together a week - hopefully they mated in that time. Anyway, I'm incubating the ooth in a quart sized plastic box with moist peat in bottom (to stabilize the twig it's on and keep the humidity high) but I'm...
  5. swords

    ghost question

    UPDATE: I didn't think cannibalism would be an issue either but this morning all that remains of my male ghost is a pair of wings on some plants, hopefully they mated in the few days they were together. If you want to save the male I'd pull him just to be safe.
  6. swords

    ghost question

    I've got the same questions. But I've already went ahead an put the male and female together in their planted tank and am feeding them plenty, fed by tongs with med/large crickets seemed to fatten the lady right up and I try to keep flies in there "at all times" (as best I can) so they both...
  7. swords

    Troubling Ghost illness & death

    I couldn't believe it, just a few days earlier he was perfectly fine, then when I go to make the mating introductions and it was like he had been destroyed. He fluttered his wings and the right side wouldn't even close back up. He was the youngest male too.
  8. swords

    mating my Ghosts ina communal setting

    Well here's the enclosure The surviving male and green female are both in there. They have been looking at each other with intently wiggling antennae and yesterday before I left for work they were very close and she was sitting with her back towards him with her ovipositor colored red today...
  9. swords

    Gongylus Gongylodes Emergency

    So there is no basis in fact that "crickets have too much protein for mantids"? I've read this online and have always kept my cricket feedings down to a minimum. They certainly grow faster with bigger meals. Mine will occasionally take crickets from tongs in those times when I am out of flies...
  10. swords

    Gongylus Gongylodes Emergency

    What is the reason people do not feed crickets? Many people I show my mantids to say "I want one" and think they can just feed crickets and I tell them they're not supposed to feed only crickets but I don't "why" so... Why are you not supposed to only feed crickets what happens?
  11. swords

    Troubling Ghost illness & death

    I had an odd thing happen. I had gotten my 10 gallon vertical ghost breeding vivarium setup and was moving the two mature males into it when I noticed that one of them was not right. First, he was missing the grasping part of this right forelimb and he was not walking well at all. More dragging...
  12. swords

    Ghost Mantid Breeding vivarium

    Thanks it sure is fun to set these kinda tanks up! I collect terrarium plants first and foremost so it's great mutual hobby to the insects and other terrarium animals. Laura, I was worried that tarantulas would not appreciate the intense light so I have avoided doing these setups for my Ts. I...
  13. swords

    Ghost Mantid Breeding vivarium

    Here is the new nature vivarium I have setup for my mature Ghost trio: 10 gallon vertical conversion So far I have only introduced the green female. I will let her get acclimated to the new surroundings and fatten up a bit before I set the males loose in there. Do you think I should...
  14. swords

    mating my Ghosts ina communal setting

    Hey folks, I'm setting up a vertical 10 gallon forest type vivarium tonight that will be used as a "love shack" for mating my trio of Ghost Mantids who are all adults now. I will introduce the female to the new enclosure once I get it finished and feed her for the next week or two (she molted...
  15. swords

    Coloration experiment

    I do not have any orchid mantids yet but I have 3 spiny flowers. I have a purple wandering jew plant in two of the enclosures the other only has green plants here are some pictures: The ones with the purple plants are purple and the one with only green foliage is green. They all get the...
  16. swords

    Geosesarma sp. "Red Vampire Crab"

    I'm documenting mine on my terrarium article site as well, just incase I don't have them long! :( Do yours wrestle? How many do you have in one tank? I found a claw on the ground tonight so somebody lost a squabble. I'm thinking of dividing them all up into pairs/trios in 10 gallon tanks. As...
  17. swords

    Geosesarma sp. "Red Vampire Crab"

    Hi folks, I got a shipment of 11 Geosesarma species "red Vampire Crabs" they are quite new imports and apparently have a very high fatality rate due to them "all" being wild caught. I lost my first one 12 hours after unpacking and setting them loose in their new home just before lights out. Is...
  18. swords

    How to evict a mantis who won't leave?

    The green female and other male are not mature yet but they should be molt into adults in a month or less. How short are the Ghost males life span once mature? Should I feed him more or less at this stage? I thought females are supposed to eat a lot to get in breeding/gravid condition is it...
  19. swords

    How to evict a mantis who won't leave?

    Well I hope HE doesn't lay any, but hopefully my green female ghost will. :D Do you think I should introduce him to her or her to him or doesn't it make much dif. who's in whose territory with the more "communal" species? I'm building the new tall vivariums for the female and the other male...
  20. swords

    How to evict a mantis who won't leave?

    My chicken suit is at the cleaners! But I did finally get him to move onto a new stick and do the transfer. I made him get on by keep slowly advancing the stick until he had no choice. he climbed right off as I was taking him out though and got back on his perch a few times before I did finally...