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  1. O

    Proof of successful Ghost mating :)

    Was pretty frustrating but after a lot of trial and error had a male and female ghost mate. She has dropped two ooths so far, and the first one hatched out tonight. VERY cool, I was afraid she was barren or my boy was shooting blanks! I misted the enclosure and will hit it again in the morning -...
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    Actually had my first group of mio's from Robert come DOA - it was crazy hot in oklahoma at the time. Robert said to just wait until it cooled off a bit and he'd replace them. He did and the second batch arrived healthy. Sometimes it's not how someone handles a deal when it all goes well, it's...
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    L2 Elongata

    The holes are a little jagged, which gives my guys extra footholds and also makes the hole a little smaller than 1/16. Haven't seen any escapees get away - I tend to tap in a few flies at a time, wait until they get ganked, then add a few more... I'm not tapping in a dozen flies or anything. My...
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    L2 Elongata

    One of my hatchlings became a little closer to adulthood last night - L2! Here he/she is, celebrating with a delicious snack. L2 is perching on a medicine bottle I drilled several holes in - for scale, the holes are 1/16".
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    What's a good survival percentage?

    Thanks so much, I'll keep everyone a little more humid (was misting once a day, I'll do it twice now) and go from there. I really appreciate all of you who help us noobs out. One of these days when I know my success rate will be higher I'll have to order a really cool ooth or two from you. :)...
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    What's a good survival percentage?

    Well, the ooth I had (which was a free one included with another I bought from a breeder here so this was IMHO a freebie/gift and I am not complaining in the least) was less than half as long as the one my female laid recently. It also looked pretty dry and crunchy when I got it out of the...
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    Idolomantis diabolica

    I'm getting discouraged from even trying to own these guys at all... so far they sound like a nightmare.
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    What's a good survival percentage?

    I feel like some sort of mantis doctor mengele... had 5 ghosts hatch from a ooth, and only 1 survived. Hasn't even hit L2 yet. Had probably 40 or so C Elongata hatch, about 30 alive so far. They haven't hit L2 yet either. So what's an average percentage of survivors through the Instars...
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    Green ghost ooth?

    Very cool, thanks! Never seen a 'fresh' one before. :)
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    Green ghost ooth?

    Lady Ghost laid an ooth, but it's light green and appears to be stuck to a limb the entire length of the ooth, not just the ends. I would be ok just laying this thing so that as the ghosts hatched they could fall straight down, right? Also, why is it green? I've never seen a 'fresh' one - all...
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    C elongata - feeding and second instar schedule

    Did a cursory search for elongata nymphs here on the board, didn't see much. I probably didn't search well, but hey, at least I tried before I posted this. :) Just had a C Elongata ooth hatch. They are starting to take down fruit flies after one day. What's a good rule of thumb regarding...
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    C Elongata's first meal

    A little over a day after hatching, and my children are becoming cold blooded killers! Muhahah! Some aren't getting it, but the ones that are chase the flys with gusto, that's for sure. I also put a dime in a pic for sense of scale... these pics are ok, I REALLY want a good closeup lens...
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    Ghosts hatched!

    DOH! Looked at the writing on the package and they wrote "c.elongata(long)" so these are Thai Flower Mantids. DOH! The ghosts haven't hatched yet. I recieved an ooth of each and for some reason figured the bigger ooth would have been the ghosts. Thanks for the correction guys. They are still...
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    Ghosts hatched!

    MAN these guys are tiny! Had to take some pics so I could see what they really look like... to my naked eye, they pretty much just look like ants.
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    I am a ghost mantis pimp! they did the deed

    I never thought being a 'mantis pimp' would be so difficult. How long do the mantids need to be uhm, 'joined' for fertilization to occur? I think mine were together for at least an hour or two, but not sure - I gave them 'alone time' once I saw his whodilly was linked to her chacha, came back a...
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    ghosts don't want to eat

    Very interesting. I checked on them at lunch, they are warm and I've been misting them daily with distilled water. Thanks, I appreciate the wealth of knowledge you and the board in general shares with us noobs. Pete
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    ghosts don't want to eat

    Thanks for the reply Yen. All of them were acting like this... I tried to feed several different ghosts with the same results. Do they usually molt at the same time? or are they like cats/dogs where they get used to their normal food and anything new is suspect at first? I have a L3 chinese...
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    Add me to the list of happy ghost purchasers from styrofoam heart - got the ghosts in great shape and fast!
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    non enclosure mantis

    Excellent points, thanks. My current concept is to wait until they are fully grown to get around the molting issue and also the bigger they are the more easily seen.
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    ghosts don't want to eat

    Purchased some ghosts from styrofoam heart here on the board. Got em quick, healthy, packed well, etc. But I can't get the little guys to eat. The only thing I had available was pet store crickets, and some were VERY small - say 1/8" to 3/16". The Ghosts are L3 and about an inch tall. They want...