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  1. maneki

    Heads and legs only please

    Thank you all. :) I was hoping this was normal, or at least not a sign of something wrong. :) I feel better now.
  2. maneki

    Heads and legs only please

    I've noticed that when I feed my mantis crickets she only eats the head and legs then drops the body. I'm getting really tired of cleaning out cricket carcasses. LOL Is this normal for the body to be discarded every time?
  3. maneki

    More Methusala Teacup

    I have no idea. :D I'm sure someone on here knows though.
  4. maneki

    More Methusala Teacup

    I love how she looks at me and I swear she's thinking, "Hmm, you're a bit bigger than my normal dinner, but I bet I could still take a bite."
  5. maneki

    Orchid Enclosure Tips

    That's really cool! I've never seen the Viewtainers at Sears before. What department?
  6. maneki

    More Methusala Teacup

    Thanks guys. :) I think she's absolutely beautiful!
  7. maneki

    More Methusala Teacup

    Methusala has molted again. :)
  8. maneki

    Ghost Mantid Breeding vivarium

    That is gorgeous! I hadn't thought about turning a tank vertical. I like that idea. :)
  9. maneki

    Methusala Teacup

    I finally got some decent pictures of my mantis. :)
  10. maneki

    Making new cover tomorrow

    Even aside from heat, I have learned that the plants I have need a lot of sun and the bulb I have currently simulates that. So I'm hoping I can use it. I try to keep my room between 65-70 so it's comfortable for me. My google-fu is very weak, because every time I try to google for some mantis...
  11. maneki

    Making new cover tomorrow

    I got the wire cover today and it fits great. Methusala seems to be having problems holding on though. She's fallen a few times already. Could it be that she simply needs to get used to the wire? Or should I go ahead and glue on a mesh underneath? Since the wire isn't rough like I'd imagined I'd...
  12. maneki

    Making new cover tomorrow

    Oh that's a good idea! I have a softer mesh and a low heat glue gun. Yay!
  13. maneki

    Making new cover tomorrow

    I used to have one of the aquarium screens. That'll work? I was concerned the wire might be too, I don't know, rough?
  14. maneki

    Making new cover tomorrow

    So tomorrow is the day I'm going to be able to buy the supplies to make a new cover for my mantis home. I've decided to move her into a different tank since I think rectangle will be easier to make than a circle. But I'm at a loss as to how to make a study cover, for little money. Here are the...
  15. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    I like the idea of window screen. That seems like a good type. I'll check that this weekend. :) Thanks! It's hard to see in the pictures but the plants are concentrated more on one side of the tank, and angle away from the other. So on one side there is a big area with no plants and a clear...
  16. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    Here are a couple better pictures of the housing. There isn't normally quite that much soil at the bottom but I added an extra plant in today and got a little carried away. LOL
  17. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    Thank you so much! I've looked and looked but I just can't find the molt. Would the mantis have eaten it? Would the crickets? In the next few days I want to do some *upgrading* to the plants I have in the tank so I can do a better looking then. He/she really is very pretty. I've never...
  18. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    I'll have to keep looking for it. I'm very curious what it looks like. There's a good amount in the tank, but not so much that I can't see through it clearly. His leg was deformed from the time I found him. It still is now, though it's noticeably bigger than it was, just still not as much as the...
  19. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    He was acting a little *odd* yesterday, but I don't see any signs of the molt. What happens to it? My other mantis was full grown when I found her, so this is new to me. His color has stayed the same the whole time though. I think I see wings, but he's never had them out, so I'm not sure. At...
  20. maneki

    Is this housing big enough? Too big?

    He's hard to get pictures of. With my cell phone the pics are blurry enough anyway, and then if he moves they're more so. So I haven't been able to stage any pics with references for size. I think he's almost 3" long. He's grown about 1/2" in the past 6 days already.