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  1. W

    Finaly an Ooth!!!

    my big female Mantis religiosa finaily laid her ooth! im excited to give raising the little buggers a try. i was going to put the ooth in the fridge for a couple of months before i try to hatch it(heard you have better sucess with these speicies with a few months of cold) and if i get another...
  2. W

    Gravid Mantis religiosa

    Thanks everyone, greatly appreciated!
  3. W

    Gravid Mantis religiosa

    Ooh, yea. forgot to mention that she is still eating ravenesly, like 4 large crickets every 24 hours or less so it dosent seem like the ooth is comming soon
  4. W

    Gravid Mantis religiosa

    well my recently mated Mantis religiosa has not dropped an ooth yet but she is gigantic! she was about 2 weeks old when I bred her with a wild caugh male...i witnessed the mating, but did not remove the male, he lasted about three days in here cage, lol. its been almost or more then three weeks...
  5. W

    hello everyone!

    *cant figure out how yo quote people* but to answer your question kevin i am located in central Colorado, near denver
  6. W

    hello everyone!

    thanks alot everyone! and ive got plenty of fruit flys, ive got a few Dendrabate Azures that im raising up to breed as well :D
  7. W

    hello everyone!

    just happened to stumble onto your wonderfull forum after catching a few european mantids in my yard. i keep all sorts of tarantulas and scorpions, and any other thing my wife lets me keep, and ive fallen in love with the mantids! i had a sucessfull breeding with my big female and hope to have...
  8. W

    Mantid Legality

    I just got a message from someone on another board that said it is illegal to keep exotic mantids in the USA... i did a little reasearch and founs a little more information on it and articles ive read said it is illegal, but i cannot find any actualy law stating such... ive noticed quite a few...