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  1. M

    Finding Mantids and Ooths in the Wild

    Hello there! I know some forum members have had experiences finding wild mantids and ooths, including myself (to a limited degree of success). I got to wondering if any of you have specific observations on where certain wild mantids tend to live and lay their eggs. Based on what I've found in...
  2. M

    WTB Dead Violins, Idols, Unicorns, and similar

    For pinning. PM me with offers. Thanks!
  3. M

    WTB Ghost Ooth

    PM me with offers and details. Thanks!
  4. M

    Wanted: Adult Male Creo

    I've got three adult females that'll want a mate (or two) soon. PM me with offers!
  5. M

    "Allometric Scaling of Plant Life History"

    Here's an interesting read to consider for healthy discussion - basically finding a correlation between lifespan and mortality rate based on organism mass in various chlorophyll-containing organisms. Some take this type of data even further to...
  6. M

    WTB: "Ornate" Mantis Nymphs

    Looking for any extra "ornate" mantis nymphs (other than ghost) you may be willing to sell. Anything that isn't a "classic"-looking mantis. PM me with offers... thanks!
  7. M

    Carolina's Formula 4-24

    I've been looking around to see how everyone makes their fruit fly media, and it looks like various homemade recipes are out there! I've only tried Carolina Biological's Formula 4-24 in the past...
  8. M

    Hey! - From the USAF Academy

    Hello everyone! I've mainly been lurking in these forums for a while now, but I think it's about time I officially joined the crowd! I'm currently a sophomore cadet (age 20) at the US Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs. Although we technically can't have pets , I figured a few mantids...