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    Wanted Rhombodera basalis

    Looking for a Rhombodera basalis adult female thats fertalised (or is that to specific)
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    Rhombodera basalis in captivity?

    Does anyone bread Rhombodera basalis? or is it just the Rhombodera sp (smaller version) thats in captivity? Had no luck googling these and realy want one :( Edit: many of the places selling these are actualy selling Rhombodera sp labled as Rhombodera basalis im no expect im just reading...
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    Taiwan Flower Mantis (Acromantis Farmosa) :)
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    Well i came home to find a strange shaped object fixed to the top of the mantis tank Then to my suprise i found another attached to a stick while trying to remove the first Now i have two ooths :o
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    Wanted Acromantis Formosana Male

    Im looking for one or possibly two male Acromantis Formosana (Taiwan Flower Mantis) as i have two adult females who need fertalising. If you can help let me know :) Anasule
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    Questions About Breading Acromantis Formosana

    Thanks Laura G :) How often do they make Ooth's? and if they mate is it like a guarenteed time after they mate they make one? Anasule
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    Questions About Breading Acromantis Formosana

    These are my little friends I realise they are both female but before i had them they both successfully mated and made ooths now that they have been fertalised once do they need to be re-fertalised for each ooth or is once enough? Anasule
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    Hello :o)

    Hello my name is Richard and in from Birmingham in the United Kingdom. I'm a new mantis owner having only owned them since the start of the year. I have four Mantis currently two are adult Acromantis formosana (Taiwan Flower Mantis) and two are baby Hymenopus Coronatus (Orchid Mantis) Anasule
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    Questions about feeding

    Thats USA though bit far to ship a maggot lol ;)
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    Questions about feeding

    Yes i have the kind that fly :( Im looking for a good supplier for wingless ones as it seems mantis don’t eat the wings anyway. Has anyone ever tried feeding baby maggots to a mantis I put some fruit fly casters in the mantis tubs so they would hatch in there (less mess and no transferee...
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    Questions about feeding

    Any chance you could photo this? Anasule
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    Questions about feeding

    If i start tapping the flies out they will all just fly off then the girlfriend will kill me with a stick ... :o
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    Questions about feeding

    Hi, I recently acquired seven baby mantises there’s been a few casualty’s already in order: One was eaten by a cricket less than half of his size. One had ruptured/popped in transit and died shortly after delivery One was just dead on the bottom of the tub two days after I purchased them So...