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  1. T

    Insect pets

    Does anyone else here keep insects besides mantids? I want an aquarium with aquatic insects. Anyone done this have any pointers?
  2. T

    Paralyzed spiders?

    I just found a Mud wasp nest. It is full of spiders that have been paralyzed by the wasps. Has anyone ever tried using these as mantis food? My only concern would be the spider venom causing problems for my mantids. I have also been able to catch a few of these wasps. I have had no problem...
  3. T

    How to sex mantids?

    She seems fine on the side of the tank right now, but when I fed her yesterday (a live bee) she had trouble and fell off. She was right at the bottom, at least, so she kept feeding.
  4. T

    How to sex mantids?

    Try the picture again, basically it is bent back straight up. Its not the joint, but right at the "knee" joint and looks like it might be pinched from the bend... :( Thanks for the help.
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    How to sex mantids?

    Yes, they are both the same size. My mantid's leg is much worse than yours. It is bent back. Should I try to bend it forward and hope it molts right or should I snip it?
  6. T

    How to sex mantids?

    Great advice, thanks a lot. Turns out my guess as to one being male and one being female was right! My female just bent back her hindleg during her last molt though... :( How many molts should they go through? They both just reached L7 and just got wing buds. I thought that by L7 or L8...
  7. T

    How to sex mantids?

    I was just wondering if there is an easy way to tell what sex they are. I have two subadult Chinese mantids and was curious as to what they were.
  8. T


    I am starting to see mold in my vivarium. The first thing I am going to do is remove the living plants in there and get everything fake. How do I prevent mold from growing though?