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  1. Szlaku

    WANTED Heats wire, cable to heat boxes, terrariums..

    Hi im looking for heats wire, cables also need termostat. Anyone selling in good prices? :]
  2. Szlaku

    Hi from Gdańsk

    Witam Gdansk ;)
  3. Szlaku

    HI from Ireland

    Any links to irish forums or stores on line? I would like to buy my first mantis but cant find anyone selling them in IE! Pleanty of UK stores but why order them from so fare if have to be someone in Cork breeding that insects. Please help me find one! I nerly got one on
  4. Szlaku

    HI from Ireland

    Well.... i Found some stuff what I need on
  5. Szlaku

    HI from Ireland

    How nice! How is going bro? :) Ye are not too far. Let me know when u will have imago Creobroter I could drive for it. By the way, is there in Dublin any good insect store? Here in Cork area nothing like that. Wall as far as I know. Do u know any Internet Store with good prices what sell...
  6. Szlaku

    HI from Ireland

    Hi Everybody. Im looking for someone from Cork who raise Mantis. I wish to start my own breeding as wall. Im just starting so need easy raise insect for beginer like Creobroter for example. Im looking for someone in Cork area so I could collect mantis personally, Is enybody hire breeding...