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  1. Wyatt Earp


    Right now I am in Nelsonville at Hocking College. My hometowen is just outside of Bellefontaine, about an hour northwest of Columbus. :cowboy:
  2. Wyatt Earp


    So can anyone explain the blog thing to me? Like what do you do in a blog? Never done one before. LOL! THANKS!
  3. Wyatt Earp


    LOL Well, if I was actually in Tombstone I would be more than happy to talk to you. Unfortunately I live in Ohio at the moment and will be spending my summer in the epic wilds of Wyoming. LOL. But I SO WISH I could be part of that gunfight. Thanks again everyone who's welcoming me! I already...
  4. Wyatt Earp

    Mantid Care

    Howdy All! I regrettably do not own a mantis yet but I would absolutely love to. Figured I could at least learn something about them before I bought one. What are they like to care for? Easy, somewhat easy, difficult? What are their basic needs, what can they be fed, are they communal. . . my...
  5. Wyatt Earp


    LOL Nocie to meet all of you. ismart: Holiday is doing well, a little grouchy, but well. ;) :cowboy:
  6. Wyatt Earp


    Howdy all, Name's Wyatt Earp, but Wyatt does just fine. I own 2 Emperor Scorpions and 1 Rose Hair tarantula and want to get into mantids ASAP. Nice to meet Y'all and look forward to gettin to know ya. :cowboy: