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  1. M


    hey everyone thanks for the replys. I was thinking about getting either some ghosts to be raised comunally, or 3 creos and a blue flash or a java shield.
  2. M


    Hi people, ive posted a few things but never introduced myself, i live in illinois, im only 12 years old and i love animals of all kinds. You think of me as just a little kid but i do all of my reasearch and I know more than a lot of adults. I currently have a leopard gecko and 2 red-eyed tree...
  3. M

    housing size

    would a java shield OR blue flash mantis comfortably live in a 12x12x12 inch net cage? Also, which one is an easier captive?
  4. M

    butterfly cage

    im not sure if i would but if i were to keep violins i would need high heat. alot of things ive read say violins do great in those cages. that confuses me because i know violins need 90-105 degrees
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    butterfly cage

    I have 2 livemonarch butterfly cages 12x12x12 and 18x18x24, they would be perfect for mantids but wont a heat lamp burn through the mesh?
  6. M

    Violin care

    i have 2 livemonarch cages but wont the extreme heat burn the mesh off?
  7. M

    orchid vs ghost

    i would rather own ghosts because they are somewhat communal and easy to take care of but i like the look of orchids, especilly subadults.
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    orchid vs ghost

    what does everybody like more, orchids or ghosts? i can't decide myself.
  9. M

    My new obsessions!

    i think its weird that people are talking about insect eating plants on an insect hobbyist site?!
  10. M

    ghost mantis (phyllocrania paradoxa) feeding

    cool thanks i cant have hfs or bbs
  11. M

    ghost mantis (phyllocrania paradoxa) feeding

    2 things, what would and l2/l3 ghost mantis eat, fruit flies or very small crickets, and can ghost mantids eat crickets, waxworms, mealworms, and maybe some wild caught moths as its whole diet?
  12. M

    ghost care

    also, how do i feed out of a big fruit fly culture without any escapes?
  13. M

    ghost care

    does anybody know if i can feed ghosts crickets, waxworms, mealworms, and mabye some wild caught moths as their whole diet. i can only have fruit flies, no hfs or bbs
  14. M

    ghost care

    thanks, u own mantispets right? im probably going to order from you
  15. M

    ghost care

    :mellow:does anybody know how many ghosts l2/l3, can fit in a 12 in. cube