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  1. N


    So I purchased a few Chinese mantis oothes last year and kept them refrigerated during the winter, I put them out about a month ago and have been keeping an eye on them, I noticed one in the works of babies coming out, I check another and they were everywhere. I'm concerned now that we are...
  2. N

    fruit fly question.

    Can fruit flies be refrigerated without killing them? I bought flightless fruit flies and noticed some have wings, I'm concerned about some escaping when I open the container and becoming a pest problem in the house.
  3. N

    oothecae in the fridge or outside.

    So last year I bought 28 Tenodera sinensis oothecae and kept them in a brown paper bag in my refrigerator for about 3 months during the winter, once spring came I put them outside and got 0 of them to hatch. I bought 15 more this year and was thinking it would be better to keep them outside...
  4. N

    0% Hatch rate.

    So earlier this year I purchased 28 Chinese mantis oothes, I kept them in a brown paper bag in my fridge for about a month and put them out at random spots in my back yard late april. So far none have hatched any, I took one out of curiosity and tore it open and seen a few really small dead...
  5. N

    ? about oothes.

    Hi all, I'm putting an order in for some Chinese mantis oothes to put in my backyard with hopes of seeing some adults in the months to come. I'm not sure if the timing is right to put them out once I get them, I live in western pennsylvania where the temps are still getting as low as the upper...
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    a few questions..

    Hello all, I was hoping to populate my back yard next year with Tenodera Sinensis for both insect control and just hoping to see my favorite insect since it's been years since i've had the pleasure of seeing one in the wild. I live just outside of Pittsburgh and have lots of woods surrounding...
  7. N

    wtb Tenodera Aridifolia Sinensis

    I'm interested in purchasing 5-10 Tenodera Aridifolia Sinensis 3rd to 5th instar or similer large size mantis at same instar. I live in Pa in the US and would prefer to be able to have them shipped on a Friday if possible since my work schedule makes it unlikely to be home when they arrive on a...