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  1. ImTheBugFreak

    Are the crickets attacking my mantids?

    I am not sure usually a mantid will scare the cricket away or move away from the cricket if it does not eat it! I personally wouldn't move my mantids around to much as you can stress them out!
  2. ImTheBugFreak

    Frey - (Poland)

    I payed for 5 spiny flower mantids (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii) and she surprised me with 7! They were shipped from Poland to USA Florida in 6 days! Only 1 died in transit and another died shortly after so really all 5 that I paid for are spunky very eager to eat and are the most coolest looking...
  3. ImTheBugFreak

    how to identify which instar?

    Hi, Sounds like a Sub-Adult to me but I'm fairly new to this as well :lol: I know once you see wings its full grown. Other than that I don't think you can tell unless you raised it from a nymph. Hope this help :)
  4. ImTheBugFreak

    Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus)

    why didn't it stink you? Also Nice Pictures :)
  5. ImTheBugFreak

    Giant Carnivorous Grasshopper (video)

    LOL! I love it :lol:
  6. ImTheBugFreak

    My dad has finally passed on

    I am sorry to here and I know hes in a better place now. This wont be the last time you see him.
  7. ImTheBugFreak

    How are U pronouncing "ootheca" ?

    O wow I have been pronouncing it wrong all this time! :lol: Thanks for the correction!
  8. ImTheBugFreak

    Wheel Bug molts! (video & photos)

    VERY COOOOOL! I love it! :D
  9. ImTheBugFreak

    How I caught / raised flies

    :lol: I got 14 mantids 7 spiders 10 assassin bugs and like 10 roaches anyone know what kind of roach this is?
  10. ImTheBugFreak

    How I caught / raised flies

    haha! cool I'm going to go do that now and then head out to the nature park to find some cool insects be back later with some pics ^.^
  11. ImTheBugFreak

    mantis dojos ..

    Nice setups! I like it a lot!
  12. ImTheBugFreak

    How I caught / raised flies

    O cool! I have cats. Can I do that even with the poo having kitty litter all over it? Thanks, K.J.
  13. ImTheBugFreak

    Assassin Bug

    Nice maybe we can trade some assassin bugs too when we do trade what we have been talking about :D Will he eat crickets? Do they stalk their prey or wait for it to come to them?
  14. ImTheBugFreak

    Cool Insects & Arachnids For Sale or Trade!

    I just want to see if anyone else out their would like some of these guys as I find them very fascinating! If their is something you want that I do not have listed here I would be more than glad to see if I could acquire what you are looking for. For instance if you wanted a wolf spider, jumping...
  15. ImTheBugFreak

    T. Graminis Oothecae

    I have recently started collecting oothecae from my mated female T. Graminis and would like to sell / trade them for more mantids or other insects. Please P.M. me with questions. Thanks, K.J.
  16. ImTheBugFreak

    How I caught / raised flies

    Yeah you should have smelled the 2 liter bottle :pinch: Just thinking about the smell I almost throw up!
  17. ImTheBugFreak

    Assassin Bug

    LOL :lol: my flies would like that! I will send you some if you would like? Yeah I herd that too but I don't wanna find out from first hand experience! :o O cool I must see those pics / video's of Precarious! He is my idol when it comes to that! I am sure they wont be as good but I will...
  18. ImTheBugFreak

    How I caught / raised flies

    I put cat food and lunch meat ( Ham ) in a modified 2 liter bottle and set it outside on top of my table in the shade. I left it there for about 3 days and I went outside to check on it and all the fly's had drowned in the mush! I was upset and just left it alone hoping more fly's would venture...
  19. ImTheBugFreak

    Assassin Bug

    Found this guy in my back yard today while catching months and other insects to feed my mantids. I think hes pretty cool and can't wait to see him eat. I don't think he is hungry today so maybe get some pics / video tomorrow of him eating.
  20. ImTheBugFreak

    Oothecae weight II

    OMG now I really want to win for the Brunneria borealis oothecae! :lol: I might weigh my oothecae now :rolleyes: