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    Thx all for advice! Ootheca hatched today exactly 4 weeks like was told

    My chinese ootheca just hatched after i gave it a afternoon misting! Exactly 4 weeks from time took it out of fridge. I will post pics later, thx to all who helped me with questions
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    Chinese Ootheca

    Hey All! This Friday it will be 3 weeks since I took My Ootheca I received earlier that week out of fridge and put it in its hatching home, Humidity has been at least 60 or higher for whole time and i misted few times too, Was told by person i got it from people were saying thiers hatched in...
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    Why do you guys who keep these awesome insects as pets, keep them in small or ghetto housing? If your goin to raise them or have them as pets, come on common sense should be please dont put them in too small space for size, give them least a good home with something more then a twig and a cotton...