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  1. S

    H. grandis one side gimpy

    One H. grandis molted and one side is not right. The right side's legs and arms are twisted and not fully functional. I have fed it, but I have to kill the cricket and let it taste the insides. Its jar gives it enough room to molt and the others have had no trouble. I cant figure out how one...
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    Picture Request for Tenodera aridfolia sinesis

    I need some extra money so i am going to soon be selling some that recently hatched. I do not have an adult of this species, and I would like a picture of one to show colors and how big they can get for flyers to put up around campus. If anyone would be so kind as to lend me a picture, please...
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    I did a bit of searching and found some conflicting threads. Some said that since they are somewhat simple it shouldnt be a problem unless they are bred over and over and over.. Then there was a thread on orchid mantids and there was talk of avoiding inbreeding. Is inbreeding taboo here, or is...
  4. S

    Hey there, I am Maya from

    Hi there. After a trip to Eastern Washington i decided that i just had to get into mantids after seeing some Tenodera sinensis there. I will be soon getting some Paraspendale agrionina and Hierodula grandis and i am extremely excited. Other animals i keep are: 24 tarantulas, 7 scorpions, 4...