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  1. mutrok4040

    A quick question

    Just got my Ghost nymph today, and on the cup it was in it said it was a L3 nymph, but its molted exoskeleton is laying on the cup's floor. I haven't had a mantis in a bit, so I can't tell if its L3 or L4, any guesses?
  2. mutrok4040

    Creobroter pictipennis close-up

    Yummy yummy cricket.
  3. mutrok4040

    He's the most interesting mantis in the world...

    I don't always eat honey... But when I do... I prefer MantisPets's Flower Power.
  4. mutrok4040

    Deroplatys; Assassins of the Leaves

    Pics of my adult male Deroplatys lobata eating with leaves and white backround Feel free to add any Deroplatys pics :)
  5. mutrok4040

    Deroplatys Lobata drying wings, help

    So my adult male D. Lobata was drying his wings, the portion of the stick he was on was too low. The end of his wings are curved in towards the abdomen, however I was lucky enough to catch him in the earlier stages. His wings are still very soft, do you think he has a chance to dry them properly...
  6. mutrok4040

    Phyllovates Chlorophea, Adult, Sub-Adult

    Same mantis in both pics. He's doing his signature pose for you in his adult pic, lol.
  7. mutrok4040


    :D :D :D Her name is Lego!! Molted last night!! She's not as green as she looks in the pic, she's golden.
  8. mutrok4040

    About to molt?

    OK, so my sub adult male Phyllovates Chlorophea has huge wing buds and they recently turned green, I think hes about to molt, can you guys confirm this?
  9. mutrok4040

    My mantis collection

    Might as well add one of my attention hungry Strategus males. Random boring challenge: Guess the species!!
  10. mutrok4040


    Found my first phasmid in forever... I will I.D. him soon as possible! I know basic care, is there any care requirements specific to this species? Sorry for upside-down pic, will fix ASAP
  11. mutrok4040

    D. granti or D. tityus adults wanted

    Let me know if you have any adults. Looking to buy, not trade. Thanks. U.S. only.
  12. mutrok4040

    Jumping spider ID

    It is mainly black, has grey and white legs, white diamond on thorax, and an odd white pattern on the abdomen. I will try to post a picture soon.
  13. mutrok4040

    Archimantis, E. macrops

    These are interesting species, and I would like to know if anyone has any experience with them, and what the care requirements are for them.
  14. mutrok4040

    Another new person.

    Hi. Im new to mantid forum (obviously, =P). Im a newbie to the hobby, I've been in it for a little under two months now. As of now, I have one of each of these: Phyllovates chlorophaea, Tenodera sinesis, Deroplatys lobata, Creobroter pictipennis (took me about five minutes to spell that one...