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  1. L

    Multiple matings for multiple egg cases?

    Do we need to mate a mantid again after laying an egg case to ensure a subsequent egg case is fertile? We have 2 female Chinese mantids, and were able to breed both of them. The first layed an egg case a few days afterward, and the other about a week later. Do we need to mate them again if...
  2. L

    How long to rest male between matings?

    Thanks for the info. They are kept at normal room temperature. Between moths/grasshoppers/beetles from the yard & crickets from the pet store, they are very well fed. The male mated both females & got away unharmed, so I think we'll let him go have fun before winter comes. This has...
  3. L

    How long to rest male between matings?

    Thanks for the replies. I fed the female a cricket and a grasshopper while the mating was going on. The male just disconnect, and the female was not in the least bit interested in going after him! I put him in another cage and will wait 2 days before I mate him with the other female. This...
  4. L

    How long to rest male between matings?

    I have two female Chinese Mantids & one male. The male is mating the first female right now. Assuming he survives the ordeal, how long should I have him rest before putting him with the second female? They are all 4-5 weeks after last molt.