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  1. Assault Ferret

    Taumantis sigiana, are these parthenogenic?

    Oh my goodness!!! I'm so excited! I thought my female Tau. looked gravid over the last week or so, but was thinking, "how is that possible, I know for a fact that she's never been mated?!?!" But lo and behold she was almost done laying an ooth when I left for class this morning! I'm definitely...
  2. Assault Ferret

    Identification x2

    Haha, no I got the first one from Hibiscusmile as a "mystery mantis" :P The second one a friend of mine found here in Texas, I'll work on getting a better pic ^_^
  3. Assault Ferret

    Identification x2

    Howdy everyone! I have 2 mantids that I would like help identifying, here are their pictures: First one (female?): Second one (male?) Thanks in advance! :cowboy: (P.s. - let me know if you need better pics and I'll try to get 'em)
  4. Assault Ferret

    Look Ma, no hands

    That's precious! You've got my wife and I gushing over how sweet she was! :wub:
  5. Assault Ferret


    So, I am sad to say, my Creo. pictipennis nymph passed away recently..I am thinking it was due to a mismolt but I am not sure, so hopefully y'all can provide some insight. He was eating great, but I think probably too much, because at a certain point he looked very full and was vomiting every...
  6. Assault Ferret

    Screen vs. Glass Top

    Sounds good, thanks for the info =)
  7. Assault Ferret

    Screen vs. Glass Top

    That was my thought..I just couldn't find any at my local stores..I'll go online for one, then =)
  8. Assault Ferret

    Screen vs. Glass Top

    So, I have a divided 2.5 gal tank that I am using for my two mantids (a creo and a mystery mantis)..I have both a glass lid that came with the tank as well as a mesh top that I made for it with plastic screening. The main reason I am wanting to use the glass top is because it is easier to...
  9. Assault Ferret

    Preparing to molt?

    Both my little creo and mystery mantis molted today! ^_^ Thanks for all the advice, y'all! :)
  10. Zorak Grooming =P

    Zorak Grooming =P

    Hygiene is very important =P
  11. Zorak 2

    Zorak 2

  12. Zorak 1

    Zorak 1

  13. Braveheart 2

    Braveheart 2

  14. Braveheart 1

    Braveheart 1

  15. Assault Ferret

    Preparing to molt?

    Okey doke, I think he's just full..his abdomen is pretty plump =P
  16. Assault Ferret

    Preparing to molt?

    Well, the next time I misted he did get a drink..but when offered a fly shortly thereafter he just batted it and walked the opposite direction..he's hanging out on the top of the enclosure too..and I'm sure you're right, Rick, I've just never seen a mantis molt before, but from what I've...
  17. Assault Ferret

    Just need to get something to put in them.

    I have one of those little tanks as well...would it be a bad idea if I were to put a Creo. pictipennis nymph in there by itself?
  18. Assault Ferret

    looking for advice on housing

    I have a 6x12, 2.5 gallon, glass terrarium..I would assume that is too big for a small creo. pictipennis nymph? I currently have him in a small plastic cup with a mesh lid, I just want to make sure he has enough space and not too much...