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  1. mtolosa

    Mantids like rolling in Water?

    Definitely not this! I use a very fine mist; the biggest droplets that might bleed together are still tinier than their eye balls. There's no struggling involved. They basicaly rub around in the fine mist that's on the wall and then groom their feet and antennae. I think you all must be right...
  2. mtolosa

    Mantids like rolling in Water?

    I got 10 L2 Odontomantis planiceps (asian ant mantis) on Saturday, and have noticed they do something funny - they seem to like rubbing themselves in water drops (7 out of the 10 did this when I spritzed them). They stretched their bodies out and rubbed against the water. The best way I can...
  3. mtolosa

    Mason jars, take 2!

    I did my first full round of misting and feeding last night. I like the washer idea for the future, if I ever get too many little guys. I've done 30+ mantids like this in the past, though, so this method works fine for me. I enjoy interacting with them while I feed. It only took about 30 minutes...
  4. mtolosa

    Mason jars, take 2!

    So, I just got a new shipment of Ant mantids today, and took all of your advice about the last jars to heart. These new ones have eco-grip hot glued to the back half. I think it's usually used for lizards, but it's easy to trim down to size. I got it at Petco. They also have netting on the tops...
  5. mtolosa

    Bad smells

    Being summertime, I just grab fresh leaves/branches from bushes outside every week or so for the enclosures. Free and not stinky! :)
  6. mtolosa

    Maso Jar enclosures

    The only reason I opted for the fabric is because it was on-hand when they hatched fromt he tree and I had to get them into jars; then I just used it for the next 6 months, but screen would work well. Someone mentioned organza too, which would be really nice. I'll have to go grab some while I...
  7. mtolosa

    Lucky me! 1st Adult female B mendica

    Wow, what a beauty!!
  8. mtolosa


    Sounds perfect! I'll try to spend the next year researching and maybe save up to start next Spring. I'll definately keep in touch! M
  9. mtolosa

    Maso Jar enclosures

    I'm sure that's true. I wasn't trying to criticize deli cups as spartan or unattractive, so many apologies if I came off like that. I was just trying to share my alternative to pet store and/or plastic enclosures and explain how it worked for me, with my 15-20 mantids. I'm sure that if I get...
  10. mtolosa

    Maso Jar enclosures

    As per your suggestions, I've glued grippy cloth to 1/2 of the inside for my next round of mantids! (only on half so I can still watch them through the fronts) As far as molting, that was never an issue. It's a no-brainer to always look up and under the cloth before opening anything - I...
  11. mtolosa

    Maso Jar enclosures

    Hello! I'm the new member who got into mantids because they hatched in our Christmas tree ^_^ I'm looking for ways to be active in the forums, so I thought I'd share the enclosures I came up with for housing my little guys until spring rolled around and it was warm enough for release. I do...
  12. mtolosa

    Phidippus regius - Phyliok.

    They're beautiful! What kind of enclosure/food do they require?
  13. mtolosa


    Thanks, guys! I know we have a Northern Virginia Apiary society, so I'll probably contact them for all of their suppliers. They also have meetings for beginners, which should be helpful :)
  14. mtolosa


    This is so cool! Do you mind if I ask how much the total start up cost? I've been thinking about getting bees for some time now, and would be interested in knowing how much I should save up. Thanks for your great post!
  15. mtolosa

    Hello from Hampton Roads!

    Hello, fellow Virginian!
  16. mtolosa

    Hi! Northern VA :)

    Hello, everyone! I'm living in Northern VA, and have been raising mantids for about 6 months now - ever since an ootheca hatched in our Christmas tree a few days before Christmas - what a great present, eh? :) 30 Chinese mantids hatched and 2 made it to adulthood (I had a steep learning...