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  1. Keoke

    mantis not molting

    I had this happen recently to an L5 female Dessicata, I could tell she was ready to molt within a day or two, but never did, just started getting weaker and weaker, until she died within about 5 days. By the way, she was at about 85 degrees, and humidity was around 80% and sprayed once a day...
  2. Keoke

    Orchid Male Hooking up

    Good news, successful connection, lasted 6 hours, I removed him for some rest and so he could eat, maybe I can keep him alive longer if I do that instead of just letting him live on her back and dying from an excessive love and starvation, lol
  3. Keoke

    I need the following to buy or trade

    So the following is what I have at the moment, that needs to be paired up, Hymenopus coronatus (sub adult female) (adult female) Mesopteryx alata (adult male) Hierodula membranacea (adult female) Deroplatys lobata (adult male) Popa spurca...
  4. Keoke

    Orchid Male Hooking up

    They definitely are alot smarter than most people think. He definitely knows how dangerous it might be. My other one would wait until I gave the female food, then as soon as she started eating he would hurry over and get safely on her back.
  5. Keoke

    Orchid Male Hooking up

    Fed up the female, fed up the male, and finally put them together in their new breeding enclosure. The male was creeping slowly and being sooo sneaky. Such a sneaky stud man-tid. But man was he quick, when he made the commitment leap. You'll see she freaked a little and was staring pretty...
  6. Keoke

    I Love Mantis

    Oh man don't even get into the fruits over there. It really makes everything over here taste, bland and sour. the mangosteens, mangoes, lychees, longan, oh yea, the famous durian!, lol
  7. Keoke

    Who said Brunner's were dainty eaters

    Do they even have a threat pose? They barely seem to be able to get around, half the time, then sometimes, she just tears around the terrarium, going crazy.
  8. Keoke

    A Real Mantis Fan

    I think so, funny I've never asked, I just assumed any mantis person was on. I'll have to ask her tomorrow, when she comes by for some more work. lol
  9. Keoke

    A Real Mantis Fan

    Thank you, thank you, :) )
  10. Keoke

    I Love Mantis

    Welcome Toey, I am also originally from Thailand, from up north close to Chiangmai, what part of Thailand are you from? I hope you like it here, but there's alot your gonna miss from home, like the food and fresh fruits, lol I miss the food stalls, and the giant outdoor market in Bangkok...
  11. Keoke

    Hello From California

    You'd think with all the hobbyist out here, there would be a club or something, lol Or has forums, and the internet killed that kind of thing? lol
  12. Keoke

    A Real Mantis Fan

    Just did this on a good client short while ago. That's what you call a true mantis fan.
  13. Keoke

    Comment by 'Keoke' in media '2013 03 23 15.31.51'

    These are actually very nice!
  14. Keoke

    Hobby getting out of Hand!!!!

    Kool, I'm only going through about 400 flies a week, I still have plenty of room before any reevaluation is needed, so looks like I need more mantids! Yeaaa!! See what you did there??!!! You just justified me, into getting more! LOL
  15. Keoke

    Hobby getting out of Hand!!!!

    Oh no problem Tammy. I'm all in!!!! I'm hooked, lined and sinkered! :clap:
  16. Keoke

    Who said Brunner's were dainty eaters

    Oh my gosh, this thing eats non stop. lol I have her in a fairly large cage, so the trick is, have a small light placed right above and in front of her and throw a bunch of flies in, and they all will gravitate to the light source, and gather in front of her to catch and snack on. That's a...
  17. Keoke

    Who said Brunner's were dainty eaters

    This guy grabbed a huge cricket, Crazy! IMG_3227.MOV
  18. Keoke


    I'm glad to see so many people, who are not willing to give up on their mantis's so quickly, no matter how bad it looks. I just had a female orchid that was on her last molt and I was so excited. She was hanging good, lots of humidity, and I watched the whole thing. Then i noticed her head...
  19. Keoke

    Hobby getting out of Hand!!!!

    You know what it is. After keeping reptiles, like 4 foot breeder size tegus, 7 foot nile monitors, chameleons, bearded dragons, etc. You start looking at a deli cup, and realizing 6 to 8 will fit into the tank that you just had one lizard in, not so bad. Then you start thinking, a deli cup...
  20. Keoke

    Hobby getting out of Hand!!!!

    I got a G. gongylodes, H. membranacea, D. dessicata, D. lobata, Budwing, not sure which one, Brunner's, Rhombodera Stalli, and the oddball, Carrnivorous katydids, and Orb Spider wheeew! lol