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  1. A

    Mantis data collection

    User registration is live! Bear in mind that it hasn't been tested by more than one person, so if you run into any errors, please PM me for assistance. PM me for the link to the registration site.
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    Mantis data collection

    new version pushed up today. Made some minor formatting changes that should unify the look a bit, but more importantly: Officially added support for tracking feeder insects, containers, and attaching notes to just about anything! After this goes through some stress testing we'll be much closer...
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    Mantis data collection

    also, @nirotorin, because of the framework that I've chosen, adding new species to track wouldn't be too difficult, but would certainly require some input from the folks raising those species on what would be useful to track! If you have some species in mind, maybe start thinking about what...
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    Mantis data collection

    Thanks for the feedback! As far as partials go: It's currently possible to do so, but maybe improving the workflow would help make it more obvious? The real short-coming that I see is the molt functionality. When you click the "molt" button it automagically generates a molt record for the...
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    Mantis data collection

    Thanks for the endorsement aesculpius! If anyone looks at this idea and thinks it's a little half-baked, I'd love to hear from you to understand what I can do to make it more useful. Still looking for more users/testers to see where it can be improved.
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    Mantis data collection

    well, that bespectacled smilee face was inadvertent, should be a 'b )'
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    Mantis data collection

    well, I intended to make more progress on the app tonight, but hit a major snag with my infrastructure that required some serious overhaul. Everything is back up and running now. I'm considering pushing this up to a hosted solution so that more folks can access it once it's stable. I'd like to...
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    Mantis data collection

    Well, to those that are interested: I have the baseline version of the web app up and running. Very barebones at this point, but if you'd like access to check it out, PM me and I'll give you the details. Things on the roadmap: Analytics (avg molt time, avg lifespan) Prey tracking (feeding...
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    Mantis data collection

    Length measurement is another idea that just popped up that I missed on the first go-round. Any pointers on measuring the little guys? Is there a commonly accepted method?
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    Mantis data collection

    Edit: double post, apologies
  11. A

    Mantis data collection

    Great recommendation! I'll incorporate a field for that this weekend. I imagine that it would be much easier to track nymph mortality on a broader population than the individual mantis entries! Unless of course someone has devised a method to tag nymphs...
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    Mantis data collection

    Thanks Ambystoma! I should mention that the goal is to generate accurate/observed data that should help in the creation and maintenance of care sheets. Anyone else have some ideas on useful data? Considering my neophyte status, I assume that there is something I haven't considered.
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    Mantis data collection

    Hi all, I'm in the process of learning a new web application development framework and have decided to merge two of my interests: web development and mantids. The app is strictly for personal use at this point, and I have no designs on monetizing it. What I'm looking for from the community here...