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  1. newravenstar

    Box Elder Bugs?

    I believe it's a L4 now. The are part of the Hemiptera order, and are quite squishy.
  2. newravenstar

    Box Elder Bugs?

    I have a rather large abundance of box elder bugs around my home. I was wondering if they could be fed to my Ghost Mantis.
  3. newravenstar


    My room is pretty toasty, usual above 75 degrees. It usually eats every 2-3 days.
  4. newravenstar


    So, I have had my ghost nymph for 2 months now and I have yet to see it molt. How do I know that it has molted or not? It was L2-L3 when I got it.
  5. newravenstar

    Ghost Mantis Nymph not eating

    I have had it for 2 weeks, and it hasn't molted. The container is a plastic cage with a plastic and wire mesh lid. It came with the mantis when I ordered it. It's about 75 degrees.
  6. newravenstar

    Ghost Mantis Nymph not eating

    So, I ordered my very first mantis online. Everything was going great for the first couple of days. I misted regularly and watched my new L2-L3 Ghost munch the heads off of some flies. Until one day I found my creature on the bottom of it's cage barely able to move. I thought it was going to...
  7. newravenstar

    First Ghost Mantis (problems)

    So, I ordered my very first mantis online. Everything was going great for the first couple of days. I misted regularly and watched my new L2-L3 Ghost munch the heads off of some flies. Until one day I found my creature on the bottom of it's cage barely able to move. I thought it was going to...